Lawrence Ravaged by Vicious Criminal Porn Ring

Businesses, Nonprofits Shit the Bed for “Justice Porn” Mockumentary

The Puppet Masters: Ultra-Orthodox Priests from the Society of Saint Pius X

John Sherrell

Updated September 2024
Lawrence, Kansas

Update 9/5—Young staff exploited for humiliating underground porn by KU Dining, Checkers, Jimmy John’s, Allen Press, Doug Compton, J&S Coffee, and more. In every case, management was scammed by a porn ring posing as a high-profile documentary film crew. The masterminds are ultra-orthodox priests bent on dominating and humiliating the organizations they scam. Many Lawrence businesses will be destroyed (as Allen Press already was). More …

Update 9/5—Revs. Mitch and Jan Todd have been compromised by the porn ring for 18 years while serving at United Methodist churches in Kansas, including Lawrence. They’re the tip of the iceberg. The damage to the region’s United Methodist Church could be catastrophic. More …

Update 8/25—This Is Not a Drill. An important note about the porn ring’s antisemitism and deception of Jews. More …

Update 8/20—I’ve de-emphasized the role of my neighbor, Reuben Hamilton, but it hasn’t really changed. I still suspect that he’s worked for the porn ring since I met him in 2011. He still near-fatally shot a neighbor’s cat and blamed me. Dozens of people, including the cat’s owner, were recruited to “punish” me by filming underground porn for rich perverts who were mocking them. And that’s still the tip of the iceberg. More …

Update 8/20—I was originally targeted in the fall of 2006, after rejecting the Society of Saint Pius X church in Saint Marys. Ultra-orthodox priests from the SSPX run an underground porn ring to raise money. Without my knowledge, they began producing an intentionally ridiculous “documentary” about me somewhat like To Catch a Predator. The point is to recruit ordinary people, who are being mocked, to film “justice porn” that’s very depraved, lucrative, and often illegal. More …

Table of Contents


  1. Introduction
  2. Lawrence’s Porn Scandal
  3. The Society of Saint Pius X
  4. The Porn Ring

The Mockumentary

  1. Introduction
  2. Shannon Awerkamp
  3. To Catch a Predator
  4. To Catch a Bigot
  5. Other Topics

  1. Appendix


In August and September of 2022, I wrote to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and the Kansas Department of Labor that my former employer, Allen Press (Lawrence, Kan.), was being blackmailed by my ex-girlfriend. A few months earlier, several senior managers were quietly dismissed over the scandal, including Kevan Meinershagen, Jenny Scott, and Carlos Calderon. The firings were a major event—the beginning of the end for Allen Press.

More recently, I’ve learned that my ex-girlfriend was one of many who worked for an underground porn ring that’s targeted me for 18 years—she never blackmailed anyone herself. I was originally targeted when, as a senior at Kansas State University, I politely rejected a classmate, Shannon (Timmons) Awerkamp, and her church in Saint Marys.1

The Porn Ring

The porn ring is vicious. Posing as a documentary film crew, it has repeatedly convinced my employers, neighbors, and acquaintances that I’m a pervert, among many other dehumanizing things. The point is to recruit the people in my life, who are being mocked, to film “justice porn” that’s very depraved, lucrative, and often illegal. Much of the porn is sexually explicit and features my girlfriends or ex-girlfriends, who are recruited before we meet. But it also takes other forms, especially workplace harassment. By design, I’m mostly oblivious, which allows the exploitation to continue indefinitely.

My record is spotless in every way. This is no less bizarre or confusing for me than it would be for anyone else.

The raw footage

The porn ring has truckloads of damaging footage of my former employers lying about me and throwing away their reputations to abuse me while I never fail to be an excellent employee and coworker. It almost always involves coworkers filming porn with women I know, who work for the porn ring, to “humiliate” me. Another fixture is management staging absurd, resource-intensive antics to impress the film crew and “tease” me. By design, the teasing doesn’t even register—the producers want me to be oblivious while they damage my bosses.

The raw footage is sold as underground porn and used as blackmail. Many of my former employers have seen some of it, and they each soiled themselves in their own unique way. As mentioned, Allen Press fired several senior managers in early 2022, including the head of HR, right as I left with a severance package. Aquent Studios sharply downsized my team in mid-2023 but disguised it as several dismissals spaced a few weeks apart.

The mockumentary

But the porn ring also maintains an absurd cut of its footage that makes my former employers and coworkers look like clever heroes. (Sort of like those fan trailers that make The Shining look like a heartwarming family movie.) That’s the perpetually in-progress documentary—actually a mockumentary, but sadly, nobody ever figured that out. Its main purpose is to sell organizations on participating.

Part of the joke is that my employers and neighbors believe a documentary that’s intentionally ridiculous and that intentionally contradicts everything about me, and nothing will change their minds. But the main joke is that they’re so eager to appear in it—to get their turn as the clever heroes—that they’ll say and do whatever the producers want, no matter how cruel, dishonest, degrading, or illegal.2 When the full story is public, a staggering number of people—easily many dozens—will have seriously damaged their companies, careers, and lives. Filming started in late 2006, when To Catch a Predator was a national sensation. It’s apparently still in progress after 18 years. The whole thing was and is a scam.

The puppet masters

Shannon Awerkamp’s church—the one in Saint Marys that I rejected—is notable for belonging to the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), a traditionalist Catholic sect formed in 1970 that broke away from the Church. The porn ring is controlled by SSPX priests and exists to fund their Society.

The porn ring—especially the SSPX puppet masters behind it—utterly despises the people who appear in its mockumentary and related justice porn. (On the other hand, I genuinely liked most of them.) It despises their values and their faith in documentaries. (Take one guess why.) It portrays me as like itself to mock their sense of justice. The point of the justice porn is to damage them and profit from their vanity, opportunism, and filth.

Underground porn

Again, most of the “justice” porn isn’t fit for the mockumentary. Instead, it’s sold as underground porn to clients that know who I am, understand how cruel it is, and pay to participate. Some of it is truly shocking. I strongly suspect that I was repeatedly drugged and humiliated on camera over the years. There are undoubtedly people who will pay a fortune to watch—or even participate in—such a dark, forbidden fantasy. In general, the porn is extremely damaging to the participants, including whole companies, which is exactly the intent.

To say that Allen Press was blackmailed would be an understatement. In fact, like many other companies and individuals in Lawrence, Allen Press was so badly compromised that it was effectively controlled by the porn ring. That helps to explain what happened next.

Karma, Police

Several weeks after I contacted the KBI, in October of 2022, both Allen Press and my ex-girlfriend were profoundly rattled by something that happened. (They had no connection except through the porn ring and my letter to the KBI.)

I speculate that police seized data or computers at Allen Press. An immediate consequence was the removal of VP of Technology Jeffry Lewis, perhaps the only executive who didn’t know about the scandal. (I’ve talked to him, and I believe him.) He was removed either to prevent him from finding out about a police inquiry (perhaps even a raid), or so that IT could wipe a bunch of data.

The Stunning Collapse of Allen Press

Allen Press was greatly humbled by the October 2022 event involving police. The company went from taunting me on social media—executives thought I had involved police on accident—to virtually silent as it scrambled to find a buyer.3

In January of 2023, after 87 years in business, Allen Press was quietly sold and renamed. It was going to be a very bad year for the company. In March, after a formal hearing, KDOL ruled in my favor that I had left Allen Press with cause due to harassment.4 (By then I had a far better job, but I wanted to be sure that KDOL took my story seriously.) The day after the ruling, the new owner announced dozens of layoffs, including my entire former department and nearly all of the witnesses I had named to KDOL and the KBI. Finally, in August, the new owner decided to permanently close Allen Press (then Sheridan Kansas), effectively abandoning the acquisition after only eight months. The building is now empty.

An FBI Matter

I’ve periodically contacted law enforcement and the local press since mid-2022. To this day, they’ve been silent. For many months, I’ve very publicly claimed that leaders at Checkers and Allen Press 1) hid suspected sex crimes from police, 2) were severely scammed and blackmailed by people targeting me, 3) paid dozens of witnesses to keep it secret, and 4) are likely under criminal investigation. They’ve never pushed back, and police have not denied that an investigation exists. I assume that police have asked the press not to talk to me or other witnesses yet.

What I didn’t understand until recently is that this is unambiguously an FBI matter. The porn ring thrives on fraud, extortion, obstruction, and shockingly illegal porn. Moreover, it’s not a local operation. The targeting effortlessly followed me to Albuquerque and Dallas in 2008. My team at Aquent Studios, where I worked remotely until May of 2023, was severely scammed despite being based in Boise. Same with my team at Caterpillar in Peoria, Ill., for whom I was a remote contractor until June of 2024. At times, there was undoubtedly a film crew on site in Boise and Peoria.

I’m convinced that the FBI is investigating and has been since late 2022 or earlier. More than 20,000 people have read this article (mostly earlier versions, before I was aware of the SSPX link and the mockumentary). If law enforcement weren’t taking this seriously, I would have been told so a long time ago, and by now there would be an official statement saying so.

  1. Previously, I believed that I was first targeted a year later, in 2007, through a different woman. I now understand that she, like the ex-girlfriend that I named to the KBI in 2022, had an unexceptional role. Like many others, they were recruited by the porn ring around the time we met.

  2. In some ways, it resembles the notorious strip-search phone scam, but vastly more depraved and extremely profitable.

  3. The taunt is arguably subtle, but to a Kansan it’s unmistakable given the circumstances.

  4. I later discovered that Allen Press brazenly lied about my separation to people I don’t even know, saying that I was fired for harassing a coworker. The point is to destroy my credibility with as many people as possible. It’s a silly thing to lie about because, in July of 2022, the company filed a report with the Kansas Department of Labor stating that I quit voluntarily with severance payand I have a copy.

Lawrence’s Massive Underground Porn Scandal

At least as far back as 2010, young people in Lawrence have been recruited by some of the city’s elite to make cruel underground porn. What happened at Allen Press, where I worked from 2019–2022, was the rule, not the exception.

To Not Catch a Non-Predator — Season 18

Imagine being stalked and sexually ‘humiliated’ on camera by dozens of coworkers because a porn ring, for its own amusement, told them that they were hunting a predator for a documentary. That’s exactly what happened to me at KU Dining, Checkers, Jimmy John’s (6th & Kasold), Allen Press, and several out-of-town employers over the years. The porn ring has clients who paid lots of money to watch those companies descend into madness. And it extracted tons of degrading and often illegal porn along the way. It was all a big, ridiculous, devastating joke.

Many of my former coworkers have completely remade their identities around their role as smirking vigilantes. The porn ring both encourages them and constantly mocks them. They were even encouraged to adopt superhero alter egos, which they often did. (I’m not making that up.)

Checkers (J.R. Lewis)

Checkers owner J.R. Lewis (picture Ferguson Darling) has a resume with two bullet points. One, he inherited his father’s grocery store. Two, he fumbled it away to an underground porn ring that’s feasted on his employees for a decade now while he—in the most literal sense—watched.

While I worked at Checkers from 2014–2019, my coworkers filmed a staggering amount of porn at my house during my shifts, much of it with girlfriends or ex-girlfriends of mine, who were recruited before we met. David Tah and Simon Cowart did so for years while we were fairly close. J.R. was heavily involved. (I was easily one of his best employees.) All of it was meant to humiliate me, which it didn’t at all.

The involvement of J.R. and his employees continued long after I left Checkers. It probably didn’t even slow down until late 2022, when I got the attention of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.

J.R.’s role was to allow the porn ring, which has targeted me since 2006, to use his business and his employees; as always, he accomplished nothing on his own. Dozens of his employees have been exploited over the years. Many were teenagers. Some might well have been filmed as minors. The porn ring has effectively controlled Checkers for a decade.

See also J.R. Lewis Fires a Mexican Person for the Sake of a Porn Plot.

KU Dining

When I worked at North College Café (at the University of Kansas) in 2014–5, one of my favorite coworkers was named Fernando and had darker skin. I barely knew him but he was quiet, competent, and respectful.

In hindsight, Fernando’s name was used to taunt me on several occasions, especially and most gleefully by our manager, John Thompson, at work. That’s because Fernando was recruited to film humiliation porn—likely at my house with my ex-girlfriends—on the premise that I was racist.

Consider that Fernando, then probably a teenager, was pornographically exploited through KU Dining, because of his skin color, to realize a porn ring’s sick racial-sexual humiliation fantasies. All because his bosses wanted some screen time in a fake documentary that existed to mock and damage them. Moreover, I was easily one of their best workers. Nobody treated their coworkers better.

I suspect that dozens of employees and students were exploited for underground porn through KU Dining, most of them teenagers, and that it continued long after I left in mid-2015. There were people far higher up than John who bent over backward for the porn ring. I wish I knew their names. They likely appear in the mockumentary posing as heroes. As an employer, KU Dining will be a punchline for a generation of students.

John Thompson

John has now spent a decade exploiting the justice porn and harassment to promote himself and his political piety. The fact that he became my boss to do so, and that he extracted porn from teenage subordinates to do so, is jaw-dropping.

That John’s politics were more sophisticated than mine in the first place was a joke. I don’t mean that metaphorically—the mockumentary producers created that fantasy for John as a literal joke. If you took my politics and added yard signs, senility, and frantic virtue signaling, you’d have roughly John’s politics.

Allen Press

There are clients who paid the porn ring lots of money to watch Allen Press fatally descend into madness while I worked there from 2019-22. Management spent full days meeting with and being trained by the mockumentary producers. Employees were being hired, promoted, and moved just to facilitate the harassment. Coworkers routinely entered my house to film porn while I sat at my desk giving the company consistently excellent work.

Several senior managers were fired in early 2022, around the time I quit with a severance package. Allen Press was sold and renamed in early 2023, then abandoned by the buyer eight months later. The building is now empty.

The porn ring turned Allen Press into a demented, pornographic circus for years and the company could not have been prouder. Moreover, I was easily one of the best employees in Composition, which consisted of several teams. Nobody treated their coworkers better. See Chris McConnell.

Many former employees were humiliated by, and are extremely vindictive about, the outcome at Allen Press. See Jenna Anderson.

Doug Compton

The depravity was not limited to my employers. In fact, the very same thing often happened at my girlfriends’ employers. Emily Overland worked at downtown bar John Brown’s Underground (JBUG) while we dated. Lawrence developer and tax incentive expert Doug Compton was the bar’s landlord. Starting around 2016, Emily, Autry Williams, and others at JBUG filmed a large amount of underground ‘humiliation’ porn. (I dated Emily casually and wasn’t the least bit humiliated.)

I strongly suspect that Doug, who has a reputation as perhaps Lawrence’s most elite, was the main connection to the porn ring for JBUG and many other downtown businesses. To the people targeting me, Doug’s whole clubhouse is a joke—effectively a cash machine and trafficker of college girls. He, like J.R. Lewis, has been controlled by the porn ring for a decade or more. Both men will be a punchline and a monumental embarrassment to the city of Lawrence.

J&S Coffee (Steve Cramer)

Steve Cramer owns J&S Coffee, where Jerynn Lindbloom worked while we dated. For several years beginning in early 2017, Jerynn, Scott Lamb, and many other J&S baristas filmed truckloads of underground ‘humiliation’ porn. (I dated Jerynn at the same time that I dated Emily. Both women knew that they were pretending to humiliate me; it literally was their job.) Steve let the porn ring use his staff and his business, and also control hiring. It likely continued long after Jerynn left. Steve honestly believed that he was a hero—that’s how insane the porn ring makes people. (At least, he did at first. I can’t imagine what he thinks now.)

Jerynn was actually hired by the previous owner, Kenny, who positively oozed slime. He frequently took his underage baristas out for drinks. He moved to Texas around 2017 but he undoubtedly also had an interest in the porn made at J&S.

Abort Mission, Ladies

Redacted and other women were paid by the porn ring to secretly conceive while we dated so they could get abortions as a form of justice porn. Ostensibly, the point was to humiliate me for my supposed views about abortion.

I’ve never in my adult life identified as pro-life, nor have I given anyone a reason to believe otherwise. Not one of my girlfriends truly doubted that I would have supported her getting an abortion. It’s a complete scam.

To catch a Catholic

The Society of Saint Pius X priests behind the mockumentary and justice porn are well aware that their traditionalist Catholic worldview and values are unpopular. They mock the participants by letting them think they’re punishing me for those values, which are not mine at all, in ways that can be sold as underground porn.

Unsurprisingly, the SSPX’s stance on abortion is very Catholic. The point of the abortions was to mock and utterly debase the women and the local audience that was cheering along. What they thought was justice porn was actually twisted baby-killer humiliation and eternal-damnation porn. (Apologies, but to the true audience, that’s exactly what it was.)

The IUD incident

In Redacted’s case, around 2012, I actually accompanied her but was told that she was getting her IUD removed. (It had been removed earlier, but she told me that she had merely ‘lost’ the string.) The medical staff was probably told that I insisted on being present but that I didn’t know, and couldn’t find out, that it was an abortion. It was not an abortion clinic; if it was illegal or otherwise compromising to the practice then they’ve been getting extorted ever since.

As an aside, Redacted was genuinely upset that I went to Burger King during the operation.

Redacted and Her Business

Redacted’s adult life has revolved around pretending that things bother and humiliate me so that she could make justice porn. Unlike my other exes, she’s a true con artist. She’s hurt countless people other than me by lying about me, which she does with unsettling ease. (Her name is redacted here because she lied through her teeth on the witness stand in March to get a court order to that effect.) She might well be a clinical psychopath.

Redacted is controlled by the porn ring and has been since I met her in 2010. She owns a gym and training business, paid for by the porn ring. Maybe there are some nice porn rings out there—I don’t know. But this one is not. In fact, this porn ring despises Redacted and her business. It’s horrifying to consider the ways her facility, staff, and clients could be exploited.

Comically, the porn ring encouraged Redacted to identify with Natalie Portman’s priest-killing heroine in V for Vendetta. Needless to say, that was a joke. See also The Girl Who Mocked Anne Frank, plus the note about Redacted’s disturbing obsession with my grandparents. Someday, people will hate-watch true crime shows about what Redacted did to me and to Lawrence.

Anesthesia Utilized for Shockingly Illegal Porn

I strongly suspect that the porn ring routinely utilizes medical anesthesia, especially via inhalation and initiated during sleep, to film sexual assault and humiliation without the subject’s knowledge. I’m certain that some extremely depraved things happened to me in my ‘sleep’, including the forced ingestion of a large volume of urine in late 2018, and that many people, including Checkers management, knew about it. Sadly, it involved the cooperation of women who were sleeping in my bed, most of whom I adore. I often worry about the consequences.

Keep in mind that the mockumentary portrays me as the worst things imaginable. And that thousands of people have seen footage from it over the past 18 years. Easily thousands. Almost unanimously, they applauded the harassment and sexual humiliation that it documents. Statistically, it’s a safe bet that more than a few of them are in law enforcement. The upshot is that when participants are asked to be complicit in serious felonies and sex crimes, they feel invincible. In fact, they’re celebrated as heroes by the producers,1 who of course are mocking them.

The priests behind the porn ring are students of human behavior and social psychology. They have an astonishing ability to normalize any behavior they want, no matter how disgusting or illegal. Their tactics somewhat resemble the strip-search phone scam.

The Suspicious Death of Ann Lindbloom

In hindsight, the freak death of Jerynn Lindbloom’s healthy mom, Ann, during routine anesthesia in March of 2021 seems suspicious. There’s no doubt that the porn ring, which had employed Jerynn for at least five years by then, could and would arrange such a death to protect itself, or even to fulfill some weird biblical symbolism or storyline. Tellingly, it happened on my birthday and very near Jerynn’s. (The porn ring loves to play sick games.) Ann was beloved by everyone, especially Jerynn and her siblings.

Doctors Manipulated at Heartland

Around mid-2017, the porn ring convinced doctors at Heartland in Lawrence that I was hiding dangerous delusions from them. That’s when my primary doctor, Jeffrey Mincher, whom I was seeing for depression, referred me to Dr. Dagoberto Heredia, a psychiatrist at Heartland. He prescribed Abilify, an antipsychotic, as an off-label depression treatment, along with sedatives. I only took the drugs for a few days because of side effects. I never saw Dr. Heredia again; he abruptly left Lawrence a few months later. I saw Dr. Mincher sporadically over the next few years until he too left Lawrence in mid-2021.

I assume that such blatantly malicious outside influence could get Heartland and the doctors into serious trouble, opening them up to extortion and further manipulation.

Counselors Severely Compromised

Of the women in Lawrence who were hired to make underground ‘humiliation’ porn while we dated, several are counselors. That’s not an accident. The ultra-orthodox priests behind the porn ring aren’t big on secular approaches to mental health. They portray me as having their own callous, archaic views about mental illness, and they compromise mental health professionals by baiting them to punish me for those views on camera, including by viciously gaslighting me.

You’d think that professionals and aspiring professionals would recognize such a foul scam. But the mockumentary is set in a fictional world—an ecstatic cultural bubble where making justice porn is the ultimate status symbol, and is always celebrated. In that world, there’s no such thing as being wrong or getting into trouble for sucker-punching me in the name of ‘mental health.’ The porn ring makes that world so immersive that the participants feel invincible—somehow exempt from basic rules and norms. Doctors, corporate executives, police, and celebrities are just as susceptible as counselors.

Some of the counselors may have been coerced into creating fraudulent records that I was a patient with severe mental illness. I met them all on dating apps except one, who slipped me her number at Henry’s. I definitely wasn’t a patient. The only counselor I’ve seen as a patient was Karin Denes-Collar, around 2016–7 at Heartland in Lawrence. She, too, was compromised, along with at least two doctors at Heartland.

That’s the Tip of the Iceberg

Much more has happened in Lawrence, where I’ve lived since 2011. As Doug Compton’s involvement implies, the actual number of Lawrence businesses damaged by the porn ring will be in the double digits; many of them will be destroyed.

Once you’re trapped, the porn ring doesn’t just leave you alone when I’m no longer around. It’s been worming around these places for a decade or more in many cases.

The same thing happened at several out-of-town employers over the years, too. See Aquent Studios, Sandia National Laboratory, and Kansas State University.

  1. Any specific instance of serious crime was likely known by only a small circle, but many understood that such things were happening.

The Society of Saint Pius X

I  first met Shannon Awerkamp at Kansas State University in the fall of 2006. We were assigned to the same group for a semester-long software engineering project. She developed strong feelings for me. One Sunday in the middle of that semester, I attended Mass at Shannon’s church in Saint Marys, a small town 30 miles from campus. On the car ride home, I politely rejected Shannon and her church, which is why I was originally targeted.

Shannon’s church is notable for belonging to the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), a breakaway Catholic sect formed in 1970 that rejects the modernization of the Church that crystallized during the 1960s. The Society considers itself Catholic but isn’t recognized by the Church. (To say that there’s animosity would be an understatement.) The Kansas City metro is home to the national SSPX headquarters. The brand-new, $42 million church in Saint Marys, called The Immaculata, is the largest SSPX church in the world.

The War Against Modernism

Pope Pius X, the Society’s namesake, led the Catholic Church from 1903–1914. He is best known for his fight against modernism within the Church—attempts to reconcile Christianity with modern culture and science—which he called “the synthesis of all heresies.” He famously had a secret spy network, Sodalitium Pianum (literally the Society of Pius), that reported modernist heretics to the Vatican.

Hope You Like Red Flags

The SSPX is notoriously antisemitic, anti-gay, anti-communist, and fascist-leaning.1 It was founded partly on its rejection of religious tolerance as a legitimate Catholic doctrine. Last year, a leaked FBI memo (since retracted) linked American SSPX communities to white nationalism.

In Saint Marys, the KBI has been investigating allegations of clerical sexual abuse against the SSPX since 2020. (Saint Marys is home to an SSPX academy and college in addition to The Immaculata.) The Catholic News Agency’s coverage is a must-read. So is the Kansas Reflector story from July, in which a KBI spokesperson confirms that the investigation is still open.

  1. The setting of Pius X’s papacy in the early 20th century helps to explain the SSPX’s preoccupation with communism and fascism. Additionally, the founder of the SSPX, who was French, lamented the French Revolution and the spread of liberal democracy. (To traditionalist Catholics, there’s nothing radical about that viewpoint.)

The Porn Ring

Not coincidentally, I was first targeted after rejecting Shannon Awerkamp and her Society of Saint Pius X church in Saint Marys back in 2006. The porn ring—the one that’s been tearing Lawrence to shreds for 15 years—is an SSPX thing. The Society went medieval on me.

Actually, it’s more of a diabolical fundraising scheme than a punishment. One imagines that it grew out of tactics designed to harass and discredit enemies (à la Scientology). But I’m no enemy. The point of targeting me is to entice the ordinary people around me—deplorable heathens to the SSPX—to ‘punish’ me in ways that can be filmed or otherwise packaged and sold as underground porn. By design, I’m mostly oblivious, which allows the harassment and profiting to continue indefinitely.

The porn ring mostly consists of garden-variety rich perverts who generally have no idea that it’s affiliated with the SSPX. Previously, before I understood that affiliation, I called all of this the Smut Ring.

Irony ad astra

To turn people against me (and presumably other targets), the porn ring portrays me as like itself—secretive, intolerant, antisemitic, homophobic, sexually abusive, and so on. It goes well beyond general traits to include specific views and phobias that are distinctively the SSPX’s own.

What’s agonizing is that it worked so well. My mostly secular, progressive coworkers, neighbors, and girlfriends participated even though I’m just like them. Blatantly so. That’s why I was targeted.

Perversely, I was also targeted because my private life is squeaky clean, which made it nearly impossible for me to understand what was happening. It took me until 2022—16 years—to recognize that people think I’m hiding something.

Another wrinkle is that I was baptized Roman Catholic, and my mom’s side is the most adorable, good-natured Catholic family you’ll ever meet.1 Shannon Awerkamp knew that, but to her it’s almost worse to be mainstream Catholic than completely heathen.

Bad Blood

The ultra-orthodox priests behind the porn ring are many things, but not dumb. They are well aware that their worldview and Church are punchlines in modern society. They fiercely resent being marginalized and condescended to by Catholics, Protestants, progressives, and practically everyone else.

In fact, the porn ring utterly despises the people it recruits to make justice porn. It makes a complete mockery of them and their values by turning them viciously against one of their own—in this case, me—with gimmicks, money, and the promise of playing clever heroes in a high-profile documentary. The porn ring exists to profit from their hatred, their vanity and opportunism, their moral weakness, and most of all, their filth.

Catholic Humor

I still vividly remember Shannon Awerkamp explaining to me the biblical concept of a scapegoat. When she graduated, I think she even gave me a card depicting one, or perhaps a sacrificial lamb. (Coming from her, it didn’t seem weird at all.) In hindsight, that was all part of the joke. In fact, there were many strange things about the harassment that were undoubtedly rooted in biblical or Catholic symbolism.

Catholic Affection

Shannon was heartbroken when I rejected her. She had far higher regard for me than for most of the classmates she turned against me. (She effortlessly manipulated them with flattery. Faculty, too.) To this day, I suspect that the priests running the porn ring feel similarly about me compared to the people they recruit to make justice porn. It would be so easy for them to do the right thing, yet they never do. In contrast, the harassment is designed to feed on my good nature and to be virtually impossible for me to understand, confront, or escape. Moreover, the porn ring’s core expertise is getting people in trouble, yet after all this time, it has nothing on me. Zilch.

The Porn Crusades

I strongly suspect that the priests behind the porn ring view their work as a crusade of sorts for the Modern Age. In other words, the people they scam and target aren’t neighbors but an external heathen enemy. Thus, the damage inflicted is glorious, not sinful, and the porn extracted is the spoils of victory—a little treat from God. More importantly, the money made from that porn is very real—The Immaculata in Saint Marys likely wouldn’t exist without it.

Three Audiences, Not Counting God

The porn really has three distinct audiences. One is the SSPX priests behind the porn ring, who know how truly twisted the porn is and why they alone, as crusaders, are exempt from judgment.

The second is the porn ring and its clients—perverts who understand that the participants are being scammed and who get off on manipulating and debasing them, but who in general have no idea that it benefits the SSPX. I suspect that my neighbor, Reuben Hamilton, works for porn ring. Additionally, many powerful people in Lawrence—guys like Doug Compton and J.R. Lewis—are thoroughly controlled by the porn ring and have been for many years.

Finally, there are the participants—the people around me who the porn ring recruits. They genuinely believe that they’re making a documentary about catching and shaming me. They’re often recruited at work, by their employers. They participate initially out of opportunism, and later because they’re trapped. By design, they function as a large mutual audience, which the porn ring manipulates in order to normalize and celebrate bizarre, vicious, and degrading behavior.

  1. Many have made disturbing gestures toward my family as a form of harassment. Their primary motive is screen time in the ‘documentary.’ It doesn’t get more pathetic.

    • After he was fired in 2019, former Allen Press CEO Randy Radosevich moved to my parents’ neighborhood in the Kansas City suburbs; he’s been controlled by the porn ring from day one.

    • When I worked under Jim Fisher at Checkers, he used to taunt me about visiting the retirement community where my grandparents lived.

    • Redacted, who might be a clinical psychopath, has a disturbing obsession with my family and especially my grandparents, even though we’ve had almost no contact with her for ten years.

    • Heather Torpey and others have also taunted me about my grandparents.

    Additionally, I suspect that my family’s former church in Leawood was badly compromised. The ultra-orthodox priests behind the mockumentary and porn ring despise the Protestant churches and clergy they control. See also Revs. Mitch and Jan Todd. The damage to the region’s United Methodist Church could be catastrophic.

    Put simply, anyone who messed with my family threw their life away. The FBI is on their list of things to worry about, but it’s not even in the top ten.

The Mockumentary

One evening in early 2007, only a few months after I was first targeted, my boss, Lina, became enraged at a McDonald’s drive-thru window when the cashier couldn’t print her receipt. It stuck with me because it made me kind of hate her, and also because of the way she looked at me. It was a look of inexplicable hostility and desperation—one that I’ve recognized many times since. In hindsight, it was the look of someone who’s given up on exposing me as something I’m not and deeply resents me for it, but who’s agreed instead to lie viciously about me on camera.

Our employer, GTM Sportswear (Manhattan, Kan.), had been approached by a film crew that was producing a documentary about me without my knowledge. They claimed that I was privately an incredibly strange pervert and bigot, and that they were documenting my exuberant comeuppance: The people in my life, with support from professionals, were all pitching in to expose, shame, and punish me. There was already plenty of footage to sell them on. At the time, To Catch a Predator was a national sensation. It was an opportunity for the company and my coworkers to be immortalized as the clever good guys in justice porn that was bound to be famous.

Lina and I weren’t being filmed, and for good reason: As usual, I was the one not being a psycho. She probably lied in an interview setting later on—think The Office, which is especially apt because, while the participants didn’t realize it, they were actually making a mockumentary. They were the joke.

A Distinctively SSPX Scam

The film crew actually worked for an underground porn ring controlled by ultra-orthodox priests from the Society of Saint Pius X. The porn ring had targeted me only weeks earlier, in the fall of 2006, when I rejected Shannon Awerkamp, a classmate at Kansas State University, and her SSPX church in Saint Marys. The whole thing was and is a scam.

Documentaries bothered Shannon a great deal. (Lots of things bothered Shannon.) She couldn’t stand the way people trusted them just because they were documentaries. Much of that trust, she believed, was rooted not in the content but the production. In other words, the audience picked up on a multitude of superficial cues that said, “This is a documentary; not only is it factual but your friends think it’s smart.” I didn’t disagree with her.

It’s a safe bet that Shannon learned to be bothered by documentaries from the SSPX. You can probably guess why.

Behind the Scenes

The mockumentary was seeded with interviews and footage to set the tone that the porn ring wanted. It follows me wherever I go and teaches everyone around me to view and treat me like a sort of caged animal. It is profoundly isolating and dehumanizing.

The main purpose of the mockumentary is to recruit the people in my life to film ‘justice’ porn that’s often sexually explicit and typically very depraved. Thus, I’m portrayed as a sort of clown-villain whose feelings are hurt specifically by things that rich perverts will pay to watch, especially sexual humiliation. This is underground porn: It’s made for clients that know who I am, understand how cruel it is, and pay to participate.

The justice porn is a monumental embarrassment to the participants, including many companies. It’s often used to blackmail them. The mockumentary is essentially an absurd cut of the justice porn, along with scripted interviews, that makes the participants—especially my former employers and coworkers—look like clever heroes. (Sort of like those fan trailers that make The Shining look like a heartwarming family movie.) It exists to sell people and organizations on participating.

Finally, a Porn Ring for the Service Industry

At times over the years, it felt like I was being lectured about rudeness to people in the service industry. I knew that couldn’t be it—I’m never rude and I always tip well—but in fact it was.1

Step 1: Lie on camera

Lina’s freak-out at McDonald’s was planned. The mockumentary producers told her that she was going to scream at the cashier and then claim in an on-camera interview afterward that it was me. Her lie is probably one of many on the topic to appear in the mockumentary. (Any server could easily tell at a glance that Lina is a pain in the ass and I’m not.)

Step 2: Extract revenge porn

The motivation behind this particular scam is transparent: to extract revenge porn from service industry workers, who are disproportionately young women and girls looking for money. (Finally, a porn ring that encourages high-school and college girls to stand up for themselves by filming weird, illicit porn.) Often that means having sex with acquaintances of mine under some pretense that it would hurt my feelings if I knew. Over the years, some of the women have dated me to enhance the ‘humiliation.’ (Manipulating them is what gets the porn ring off—it has nothing to do with me. The appeal is that women are being tricked into filming depraved porn for a ridiculous, made-up reason. See also: Finally, a Porn Ring for Taylor Swift Fans.)

The truth is lava

Again, I’m never rude to workers. That’s the opposite of who I am. The porn ring deliberately portrays me in ways that are clearly false to mock the participants, their sense of justice, and their complete faith in an intentionally ridiculous documentary produced by pornographers who openly use it to recruit people to film cruel porn.

In fact, I’m certain that if I had body parts in my freezer, the porn ring wouldn’t bother telling anyone. Truthful portrayals of me are antithetical to the purpose of the mockumentary.

Why They Lie

The reason people lie in the mockumentary interviews is that the producers tell them to lie. More precisely, the mockumentary consists of people saying and doing exactly what the producers tell them to say and do. By design, my behavior has no substantial effect on the film. That’s the joke.

The behavioral forces at work, and the astonishing control the producers have over the people being filmed, somewhat resembles the notorious strip-search phone scam. The priests behind the porn ring clearly are students of social psychology. I’m no expert, but some well-known phenomena are being exploited. See scapegoating, dehumanization, compliance, moral disengagement, the Milgram Experiment, and the Stanford Prison Experiment.

The bait

Appreciate the position my employers are in. They’ve seen this ‘documentary’ in which everyone from my past apparently thinks it’s laughably obvious that I’m a total creep, bigot, and clown. I’ve apparently been getting exposed and humiliated with ease for many years, with everyone around me looking like the clever good guys. Participating looks like a slam dunk.

Companies are so eager to appear in the film that they jump right in and start ‘humiliating’ me on camera in comically inappropriate, career-ending ways. It almost always involves coworkers filming porn with women I know. (Those women work for a criminal porn ring. It’s literally their job to film porn with my acquaintances.)

The switch

Meanwhile, what companies actually get with me is an almost ideal employee and coworker. I’m none of the things they expect me to be. I act like a normal person with normal views. I occasionally joke and flirt like a normal person. I’m unfailingly honest and hard-working. I’m typically well above average in talent and productivity. I never complain or cause problems. I’m polite to everyone (except for a handful of Checkers customers, who can go to Hell). My coworkers are encouraged to tease me, yet it clearly doesn’t bother me—it doesn’t even register because it’s premised completely on lies. (That’s by design. The porn ring wants me to be oblivious.)

The stakes

Recall that companies participate because they genuinely believe that the documentary and justice porn will be famous and will make heroes out of the many people and organizations who’ve piled on over the years. Now consider the position that my employers are in when they struggle to expose me. Are they going to be the losers in the middle of the film who couldn’t see the problem? “Gee, we think he’s a real great guy.” They’d be despised as enablers and deniers of bigotry and predatory behavior. And I doubt the producers are shy about saying so.

They’re gaslighting each other

Essentially, the mockumentary is gaslighting the people around me. (In hindsight, they often act like I’m the one doing it to them.) Once they decide to participate, the stakes become very high very quickly. They’re under enormous pressure to conform and pretend to see me the way I’m portrayed on film. Once they’ve completely caved, the footage is cut to make it seem like there was never any doubt, and the cycle continues.

The scapegoating

I don’t pretend to understand why Lina had to sin in front of me so that she could blame me for it on camera. But I know that it’s happened countless times since. Probably the most salient reason why it happens is that it’s sick, twisted, and degrading, and the porn ring and its documentary producers get off on making people do it. But there’s definitely some Catholic symbolism going on, too.

I think it was truly painful for many folks to scapegoat me, but they were desperate and had been broken down by a regimen of pressure, compliance, dehumanization, and normalization. (Again, see the strip-search phone scam.) Keep in mind that most of them worked for companies that were in a huge amount of trouble for what had already happened on camera.

Scapegoat therapy, Bob

On the other hand, the scapegoating became comically routine the past couple of years. Women I barely knew, like Brooke Kaul and Shannon Marie, were coming over and serenely listing off things that other men did to them. Like I was Santa Claus. I was likely blamed for much of it in the mockumentary. When I started raising alarms about the harassment in 2022, I think women were told that I was scapegoating Jerynn Lindbloom,2 and so they should all get in line to do the same to me.

Half-assed scapegoating

Say what you will about Lina’s stunt (yelling at the drive-thru cashier), at least she made that sin count before laying it on me. She went full scapegoat. It wasn’t pretty, but that’s the nature of it.

Over time, it becomes increasingly obvious to the participants that the mockumentary is a scam. At some point, the scapegoating becomes decidedly half-assed. Seemingly, but perhaps not always, folks are still required to drop some hint to me before they can lie. It might take the form of a story that doesn’t involve me. When I worked under Jim Fisher at Checkers, he’d bring up politics and have standard, friendly conversations with me. (If you took my politics and added some senility and feigned outrage, you’d get Jim’s politics.) In hindsight, he probably lied on camera about my views every single time.

When you assume

Countless people eventually embraced that the ‘documentary’ is a cruel sham. That they’re not exposing or shaming me at all, but merely performing weird rituals and lying about me on camera, as instructed by the producers. Only the film matters, and it’s always edited to make them look good.

But that all hinges on the assumption that, for whatever reason, the producers really do want them to look good. That assumption is dead wrong. In fact, the cut of the film that the participants hope is going to be famous is nothing more than a joke. I don’t know what the true end game was or is. But it definitely isn’t a victory parade for the clowns in the mockumentary.

Proof of shame

The scapegoating also functions to prove conclusively that the participants don’t care at all about the truth nor justice. It leaves no room for argument. That they explicitly agree to do it is carefully recorded and probably filmed. Thus, the scapegoating guarantees and documents they’re motivated by screen time and applause at the expense of justice, which is the point of the mockumentary.

Participants have a wide variety of motives when they scapegoat me. They’re eager to please the producers. They’re determined to take credit for exposing me, or to avoid the humiliation of failing to expose me. They’re desperate for screen time in the ‘documentary’ and validation from the big names involved. They’re embarrassed of the truth and need to save face. In short, they’re motivated by everything except justice and the issue at hand.

A very dangerous machine

The porn ring turned lying on camera into a science. An assembly line. Understand that the participants—mostly my coworkers, neighbors, and girlfriends—are cogs in a large and very dangerous machine. The porn they make is extremely lucrative precisely because they’re scammed, manipulated, debased, and mocked while making it. Precisely because they treat me like a scapegoat—a literal animal sacrifice—on camera. It’s the opposite of justice porn. That’s the whole point.

The porn ring is undefeated

The porn ring could snap its fingers and end the career of a J.R. Lewis or a Doug Compton. It likely controls others non-locally with far more clout than those guys. So when the porn ring wants someone like Lina to lie about me on camera, one way or another, it’s going to happen. I wish the answer wasn’t so bleak. But this has been going on constantly for 18 years, and the porn ring is undefeated.

Star Power

Among the countless people who appear in the mockumentary and justice porn are some celebrities. Minor ones for sure—comedians, podcasters, and reality TV personalities, for example. I could name a few with near certainty thanks to lame taunts by my coworkers and girlfriends over the years. Celebrities are susceptible to the mockumentary for the same reason that companies are: The porn ring knows how to sell their participation as a slam-dunk image boost. Keep in mind that the mockumentary is made to look like a high-profile documentary that millions of people will see.

Additionally, I suspect that some genuine stars might be involved. Imagine being one of my coworkers or girlfriends and knowing that an A-list star is counting on you to say something on camera, and will be sorely disappointed if you don’t. That’s an incredibly powerful tool for the producers of a film about manipulating the people who appear in it.

Celebrity worship

The behavior of countless people around me for the past 18 years—it’s as if something was turning them into mean, smirking children—starts to make more sense if motivated by devotion to, and desperation for the approval of, larger-than-life stars. In other words, simply because we cross paths, the mockumentary puts ordinary people backstage with genuine idols, working on the same film, with powerful and intentionally disturbing effects.

False idols

Shannon Awerkamp talked about modern society’s love of celebrities, whom she regarded as false idols. Understand that the SSPX does not use that term lightly or metaphorically. It takes false idols very seriously. From the Society’s handy dialectic against religious liberty:

The saints have never hesitated to break idols, destroy their temples, or legislate against pagan or heretical practices. The Church—without ever forcing anyone to believe or be baptized—has always recognized its right and duty to protect the faith of her children and to impede, whenever possible, the public exercise and propagation of false cults.

Any celebrities involved must have realized long ago that something was seriously wrong with the ‘documentary’ and ‘justice’ porn. But they probably didn’t realize that the porn ring and its producers are literally waging a holy war against them.


When I was first targeted, I was 22 and one semester away from graduating with a computer engineering degree and a 3.7 GPA. I was highly regarded at GTM, which hired me to create marketing emails but by then had me programming web apps for seven bucks an hour. I had a normal childhood, a good family, and a spotless record. I had always thoroughly fit in at school and work. I was seen as smart, quiet, easygoing, and friendly. My views, tastes, and sense of humor were all typical for a college student. I had just (politely) broken Shannon Awerkamp’s heart. She had far higher regard for me than for most of the classmates she turned against me. (I liked and admired her, too, although in hindsight she’s complete trash.)

At the time, I could have counted on one hand the people who seemed to genuinely dislike me. Of those, I’d met only two in college: Ryan Lynch and Julie Pearce Valladares, tragically jealous church kids whose adult lives have revolved around the ‘documentary’ and who are particularly despised by its producers. Ryan is a pastor in Andover, Kansas. (For now.)

There are lots of folks with lots invested in the justice porn. I know how badly they want to believe that I did something, anything, to deserve it. Long before I understood it, I sensed their resentment and frustration that I’m not the person from the mockumentary. They think I’m hiding it from them. They never question the film nor its producers, who openly use it to recruit people to film cruel porn.

I’ve never seen the mockumentary, but those who have probably can’t fathom learning that the whole thing was a fraud. But that’s where this is headed. One day, every last person involved will admit that it was a scam and that they knew me as a normal, intelligent, honest, decent person.

  1. There are three times in my life that I didn’t tip well, and two of them were accidents over which I lost sleep. All three are likely brought up in the mockumentary.

    When visiting Miami with Nidhi Tare in grad school, I forgot to tip our cab driver. It ruined my night. Around 2012, I took Redacted to Global Café in Lawrence and forgot to tip our server. She discouraged me from apologizing, undoubtedly so the mockumentary could capitalize on it. I’ve tipped poorly on purpose only once, also with Redacted. Soon after we met in 2010, we went to a restaurant in Kansas City that likely had been told to give us the worst possible service. (Redacted didn’t know me yet; she may have hoped that I would lose my temper, which has never once happened with a server.)

    Both Nidhi and Redacted were ‘undercover’ for the mockumentary, and both were getting skewered by its producers for failing to recognize that every minute of it was intentionally pathetic and disgraceful.

  2. When I initially realized that Checkers and Allen Press were being blackmailed, I assumed that Jerynn was behind it, partly because she’s light-years smarter than J.R. Lewis and Rand Allen. Understand that this is no less bizarre or confusing for me than it would be for anyone else. I loved Jerynn. If someone had simply told me what was going on, I’d have stopped blaming her in a heartbeat.

Shannon Awerkamp

Shannon (Timmons) Awerkamp was the classmate at Kansas State University through whom I was originally targeted in the fall of 2006, after I rejected her and her Society of Saint Pius X church in Saint Marys. I last saw her in 2009.

Shannon was heartbroken when I rejected her and her Church. In general, she had far higher regard for me than for the folks she turned against me. She effortlessly manipulated them with flattery.

Shannon was a 4.0 student and a gifted software engineer. But she mysteriously converted to traditional Catholicism in college, after which she spent much of her time with a large surrogate family in Saint Marys, about 30 miles from campus. She was beyond devout by the time we met. She came to strongly oppose her own career, due mainly to her belief that men and women shouldn’t work together.

In case it’s not yet obvious, Shannon was strange. She had the usual religious phobias and preoccupations, especially homosexuality, but also weird ones like communism and Jewish conspiracies, and even comically peculiar ones like Freemasonry and Egyptian civilization. She regarded exercise as an evil waste of energy. She believed that all popular music has a secret agenda. She deeply despised mainstream flavors of Christianity, including modern Catholicism. She squirmed with disgust when describing her pre-conversion experiences in Protestant churches, especially the praise music and the racial diversity she encountered on a mission trip.

Children and Population Growth

Officially, the Catholic Church teaches that it’s a sin to use contraception. But few American Catholics take that stance seriously, whereas the SSPX community takes it very seriously. The (intentional) result is very large families. Double-digit numbers of children are not uncommon; Shannon Awerkamp aspired to have that many.

John Thompson

Within the first minute that I met John Thompson in 2015—he showed up at KU Dining as my manager to help the porn ring exploit my mostly teenage coworkers—he told me that he and his wife were ZPG-ers: zero population growth-ers. I thought it was cool. As usual, John thought he was getting under my skin, and as usual, I was oblivious. He’s not even on my level: In my early 20s, I was awestruck by the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. That’s negative population growth, John, you chump.

Revs. Mitch and Jan Todd

See below.


Over the years, several women brought up their frustration with medical ethics that discouraged or prevented sterilization. In hindsight, it’s obvious that I was supposed to be bothered, which I wasn’t at all. In every case, I was fully supportive.

A blatant joke

The notion that I have conservative views about family planning is truly bizarre. The preoccupation of many participants with this topic had nothing to do with me; the porn ring was winding them up and mocking them.

Revs. Mitch and Jan Todd

Shannon Awerkamp and I often disagreed but rarely argued. One exception was when I became defensive after she criticized Revs. Mitch and Jan Todd for choosing not to have children. I had worked for Mitch a few years earlier, in 2004, when he was the United Methodist campus minister at Kansas State University. I practically idolized him and his wife, Jan, who’s also an ordained minister. They didn’t want to sacrifice their work with youth to raise children of their own. To me it seemed beyond reproach. But without flinching, Shannon dismissed it as sinful.

Mitch and Jan knew me—and knew me well—as honest, hard-working, respectful, tolerant, and thoughtful. Nevertheless, they were scammed by the porn ring and have spent the past 18 years helping target me. They undoubtedly were told that I opposed their decision not to have children.

A complete mockery

As counselors, leaders, and activists, Mitch and Jan have encountered countless people who actually are abusive, bigoted, or dishonest. But they didn’t pick on those people. Instead, they picked on me. That’s because the porn ring created a ‘documentary’ in which it was fashionable to do so. Mitch and Jan were offered screen time not because the porn ring likes them, but because it hates them. It was making a complete mockery of them.

Proving the haters right

The ultra-orthodox Society of Saint Pius X priests behind the mockumentary utterly despise the Todds, their progressive values, and especially their Church. Shannon fumed when I spoke with admiration about them and their activism.

In a way, Shannon was right about Mitch and Jan. Except the problem isn’t their values—it’s themselves. They are, above all, a vain self-parody. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. And thanks to the mockumentary, a lot of people are going to see it.

The damage will be severe

My family was United Methodist for many years during the targeting and I strongly suspect that their former church, which is massive, was also compromised. It’s actually horrifying to consider the sort of twisted things the porn ring’s SSPX puppet masters would do to a Protestant church whose clergy they controlled.

Mitch is currently a pastor at Grace UMC in Olathe, near my family’s former church, but the Todds have also been in Lawrence, Manhattan, and elsewhere in Kansas while compromised. They’re the tip of the iceberg. The damage to the region’s United Methodist Church could be catastrophic.

See also Ryan Lynch and Julie Pearce Valladares.

Francis Awerkamp

Shannon is married to Kansas state representative and Saint Marys city commissioner Francis Awerkamp, who grew up in Saint Marys. I’ve never met Francis—I skipped their wedding in 2009, by the grace of God.

Homelessness and Poverty

Back in 2011 or so, Gantt Rawls and I had a conversation about how people in Lawrence complain too much about the homeless population. In hindsight, he thought he was lecturing me—even though I didn’t disagree nor learn anything new. (Gantt did that all the time.) Much more recently, in 2023, Heather Torpey encouraged me to gripe about Lawrence’s homeless population. In hindsight, her frustration was apparent when I wouldn’t bite.

It’s a mockumentary

The producers constantly send people like Gantt and Heather on silly errands to expose me, despite knowing that they’re going to fail. In fact, the failure is documented, along with the instructions to lie about it on camera. The film is very truly a justice porn mockumentary. Not because I think so, but because the producers think so. It consists solely of people like Gantt and Heather behaving like mean children for applause and screen time, all in the name of justice, yet without lifting a finger for justice, and typically in spite of justice. That’s what’s being documented.

To catch a Redditor

The weird thing is that it’s not hard at all to find people in Lawrence, including progressives, who do gripe about the homeless population, unprompted. (I saw it often in the Lawrence subreddit late last year.) I just don’t happen to be one of them. But it makes you wonder exactly what point Gantt and Heather thought they were making.

Weird flex

I strongly suspect that the porn ring used this scam to film my girlfriends having sex with guys off the street to “humiliate” me, and that a sizable local audience cheered along. To the porn ring, it was just a big, disgusting joke. It knows with certainty, and has reams of proof, that it completely invented the notion that I dislike homeless people, and that it can make my neighbors and coworkers cheer for anything it wants.

Just Food. From now on.

Among the participants was Just Food executive director Aundrea Walker, who was undoubtedly recruited on the premise that I hated poor people. To Heather, Gantt, and whoever else lied: Congratulations, now Douglas County’s food bank might be damaged.

The porn ring damages institutions like Just Food with glee.1 It’s not anti-charity, but it has zero regard for people and organizations that aren’t traditionalist Catholic. It also loves to mock the values of the folks it recruits in Lawrence.

Confused warfare

For most of my time in Lawrence, I’ve made near-poverty wages and lived like a non-celibate monk while being viciously targeted by a powerful porn ring through guys like Doug Compton and J.R. Lewis. Comically, the people they recruit to make justice porn at my expense are frequently the type who proudly espouse (to the extent that posting memes is truly “espousing”) class warfare. The irony is not lost on the porn ring, which both encourages and frequently mocks them. It regards their politics as a vulgar fashion statement and, just for fun, proves it over and over without them noticing.

Hazing and Snitching

Here’s something different. Also in 2006, Shannon told me that a classmate had reported his fraternity for hazing. We were seniors, so I assume it happened a few years earlier. I don’t remember his name (Tyler?), but after graduating he went to California to work at Google. Somehow, even though I’ve never been in a fraternity nor been hazed, his story was used to scapegoat me in the mockumentary. In fact, I was likely taunted about it during class by Ruth Miller, a professor whom Shannon despised, in the spring of 2007.

I’m uncertain whether the story is that I snitched or that I abused someone for snitching. I assume it’s the former, although that means a lot of folks blatantly contradicted their own values to ‘taunt’ me for it.

A priestly fraternity

The ultra-orthodox SSPX priests behind the mockumentary have a special disdain for organizations, usually fraternities, that have secret activities, rituals, or oaths. The most notable example is Freemasonry, with which Shannon was comically preoccupied, but she was even scandalized by the Greek houses at K-State. Note that the SSPX itself is a priestly fraternity: while over half a million people worldwide attend SSPX Masses, the only true members of the Society are priests.

Tau Beta Pi

In fact, Shannon strongly disapproved—in her quiet, lobotomized way—when I joined Tau Beta Pi, an engineering honor society. I was initiated at roughly the same time that I was first targeted in the fall of 2006, which is also when Shannon told me the story about our classmate reporting his fraternity. It’s possible that I was blamed for reporting Tau Beta Pi over the initiation ritual, which is laughable. I can’t remember what the hell we did, but it certainly wasn’t anything that could have gotten them in trouble. Frankly, I completely forgot about Tau Beta Pi after I was initiated.

Oh, brother

The practical motivation for this scam is transparent: to involve fraternities and their members in the harassment and justice porn, which of course is designed to mock, compromise, and humiliate them. Eric Mieske, a childhood friend, lived at a fraternity across the street from my apartment when I was first targeted in 2006. He’s now a police officer. I strongly suspect that he and many others were recruited by the porn ring using this scam. They’re going to look awfully silly. The notion that I go around blowing the whistle on fraternities is certifiably insane. It makes no sense, and it should have made no sense to anyone who knew me in 2006. It’s like finding out that hundreds of people think I’m Banksy and cannot for the life of them, even after 18 years, figure out that it’s a joke.

While I was never in a fraternity myself, many in my family were and are, including my dad, who has far more honor than any of the clowns targeting us.

Secret cowardice

Ironically, the main reason the scam was possible is that it was kept secret. Like everyone who kept the justice porn secret, fraternities did so because they were afraid to learn that they were wrong, which was the obvious truth. I can think of several words for that, the most appropriate being cowardly. In fact, it’s hard to fathom so many people exhibiting that level of cowardice and stupidity. The damage done is incalculable.

Drama in the LHC

In 2008, I was studying at a cafe in the basement of the K-State student union when I overheard a conversation between two guys who looked like grad students at the table next to me. They seemed to be preparing for a Bible study they led; perhaps they were campus ministry staff. Just before they left, they talked about the Large Hadron Collider, the massive European particle collider that was built to test previously untestable theoretical physics. The LHC was in the news because it was about to become operational after 10 years of construction. It was expected to answer fundamental questions about the origin and nature of the universe, which made it threatening to, ahem, certain religious groups.

One of the guys at the table next to me said that he hoped the LHC would blow up and kill all of the scientists who were in attendance. I was shocked. A moment later, they got up and left. In hindsight, it was obviously staged, and I’m obviously scapegoated for it in the mockumentary. (The priests behind the mockumentary play a sick game where they make me aware of the things that I’m blamed for in the film, which are arbitrary and typically have nothing to do with me.)

I have no idea who the two guys were. They may have been religious students, as they appeared. I was dating McKenzie Grace at the time, who definitely knew those types, and who viciously scapegoated me herself in the mockumentary. Or maybe they were SSPX seminarians or priests. Or perhaps they were physics students who were told that I was a religious nut. Or porn ring goons like Christian, or even fraternity members who did it out of spite.

Countless people over the years believed that I was out to get the LHC. It may have become a running taunt in my own extended family, who knew much, much better. They were getting skewered by the mockumentary for being pious losers who cared more about taking credit for ‘teasing’ me than about the truth—or about the LHC, for that matter. I’ve never once in my life expressed anything remotely resembling anti-scientific sentiment. It’s beyond embarrassing that faculty at K-State, managers at Sandia National Laboratory, and countless others allowed a mockumentary film crew to dictate how they handled this rumor for the past 18 years.

Other Mockumentary Topics

Shannon’s hang-ups are identical to those of the SSPX. And every single one became a theme of the harassment and the portrayal of me in the mockumentary.

There were several things Shannon told me about that, in hindsight, I was clearly scapegoated for in the mockumentary. She might personally appear on film; if so, her connection to the producers is carefully concealed. Or she might not appear, in which case others did on her behalf, probably without saying so.

Just relax

In 2006, Shannon told me—repeatedly I think—about an incident from high school where she was persistently pressured by an older boy to kiss another girl, even after repeatedly declining. He was driving them around and kept telling Shannon to “just relax and have fun.” In 2022–3, Heather Torpey repeatedly referenced that same phrase in our conversation, which was filled with similar taunts. The story undoubtedly appears in the mockumentary with me as the bad guy.

This might be Shannon’s villain origin story. Unless it’s the cat thing.

Dress for men’s success

Like most women in SSPX communities, Shannon dressed very modestly. She holds a strong conviction that women are culpable in sins that men commit out of temptation. She brought it up repeatedly because she disapproved of the way college women dressed. In contrast, I did not. I’m about the last person who’d have a serious opinion about how women ought to dress.

I’m certain that the mockumentary scapegoats me for this one by claiming that I think women are responsible for men’s behavior. I’ve never once expressed that sentiment. In hindsight, Redacted made a very tedious, gross attempt to make this stick to me; she undoubtedly appears on camera lying about it.

Loud music

Shannon believed that all popular music has a secret agenda. She hated the sound of booming car stereos. She’s more of a Gregorian chant gal.

In hindsight, my shift lead at Jimmy John’s (6th & Kasold) in mid-2019 thought he was flexing on me by playing loud music before the store opened. He likely lied about my reaction, along with a few other things. Ethan Payeur, a coworker at Checkers, also thought he was making a heroic contribution by sitting outside and thumping his car stereo. The mockumentary producers were laughing at them—I couldn’t have cared less.

Immigrants and white male problems

Shannon expressed consternation for white men in our field, software engineering, due to diversity policies, immigration, and the like. This was in 2006, when our department was easily 95 percent white men, as were most of the teams that hired us after graduation. I said that we seemed to be doing okay. She laughed. Ten years later, Emily Overland expressed a similar sentiment, which, if you know Emily, is obviously funny. I figured she was trying to be friendly. Both conversations were lighthearted. Nevertheless, it’s clear to me that this viewpoint is attributed to me in the mockumentary, and not in a lighthearted way.

In hindsight, grad students and even professors at K-State, like Dan Andresen, ‘teased’ me about immigration in ways that had no chance of registering. As always, they were too cowardly to simply tell me what was going on. The full story will be a monumental embarrassment to the College of Engineering, primarily for other reasons. Shannon was well aware that she was severely damaging her school (and later, her employer, Garmin). She’s fighting a holy war.

Finally, a porn ring for sex workers

I suspect that I’m portrayed as prude and anti–sex work in the mockumentary, which is a joke. Nobody who dated me as an adult seriously doubted that I was sex-positive and open-minded.

As with the portrayal of me as rude to service workers, the motivation here is transparent: to recruit women with ties to sex work, who are being mocked, to film revenge porn. See also: Finally, a Porn Ring for the Service Industry.

The resentful ambassador

Shannon was a 4.0 student and one of only a handful of women in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at K-State. Consequently, she faced pressure to be an ambassador to high school girls, and even held an official title as one. But Shannon strongly believed that women shouldn’t work with men and should raise lots of children, which is why her own career lasted only two years. She deeply resented having to pretend otherwise for her school.

Of course, nobody made Shannon be an ambassador. But by the time she graduated, Shannon was genuinely a spy for a vicious criminal porn ring waging a holy war against institutions like K-State. Her job was to sabotage, not to say no. The fallout at K-State, though delayed, will be considerable.

Being religious

I was still nominally Christian when I was spending time with Shannon in 2006, but I started identifying as non-religious soon after. When I told that to McKenzie Grace in 2008, she tried to frame it as bitterness. (McKenzie went to some God-awful, mega-popular worship thing on campus.) I never was bitter. I simply admitted to myself that I wasn’t religious and stopped identifying as such.

Over the years, it never crossed my mind that anyone thought or cared about whether I was religious. But in hindsight, a few people, like David Tah and Redacted, were probably told to lie about it in the mockumentary. I can’t imagine what they thought the point was, but the actual point was for them to look awful on film, and for others, who also looked awful, to ‘punish’ me by filming weird porn.

  1. The porn ring might have had a hand in the Just Food scandal that made headlines years ago. I still recall Redacted’s smirk when she talked about former Just Food executive director and Lawrence mayor Jeremy Farmer. And how quickly that smirk vanished when he fled town in 2015 under federal investigation for embezzlement. The porn ring, which has controlled Redacted since I met her in 2010, compromises guys like Jeremy in its sleep.

To Catch a Predator

Many of the folks who participated in the porn and harassment over the years genuinely believed that they were filming a documentary somewhat like To Catch a Predator. You’d think people couldn’t be that stupid. I assure you that they can.

David Tah

I worked with David at Checkers from 2015–2017. When we first met, he was strangely preoccupied with underage girls and laws regarding consent. In hindsight, he was coaxing me to reciprocate with the same interest, which I never did and never would do. Nevertheless, David’s life ever since has revolved around the ugly work of smearing me and making underground porn for producers who despise and constantly mock him.


Around 2016, David dangled his “little cousin,” Mariah, in front of me for months. Practically every shift we worked together (several evenings per week), she followed him around for hours. I barely even acknowledged her. The porn ring undoubtedly had access to the store’s cameras and was laughing the whole time.

Moreover, if Mariah was in fact a minor, then there’s a 100-percent chance that David, owner J.R. Lewis, and other men at Checkers were complicit in her being exploited for extremely illegal porn. To the porn ring, that was the whole point of involving her, and David and J.R. don’t say no to the porn ring. Nice work, fellas.

The jokes were the joke

Over the years, several folks, including David, have invoked Doug Compton’s name in staged scenarios as a lame taunt. It was undoubtedly recorded to spice up the justice porn. Imagine being proud of helping Doug Compton secretly flex on your coworker from the safety of his country club. The porn ring loves to watch people like David degrade themselves so thoroughly.

Fake Tinder Profiles

At Allen Press, where I worked from 2019–2022, management (yes, management) posed as women on Tinder and tried to get me in trouble. It says a lot that they found me exclusively on mainstream dating apps, where there are only adults and there’s no tolerance for predatory behavior. These incidents are beneath mention, but I mention them anyway because many people have heard slanderous versions of them.

The ‘minor’ incident

Around 2020, I matched with a woman in her early 20s. She immediately gave me her phone number, unsolicited, so we could text. A few days later, she sent unsolicited photos that were clearly of an adult. Another few days later, she casually mentioned that she was 14. Needless to say, I immediately blocked her.

Of course, it wasn’t actually a child, nor was it the woman I thought I was texting. At the time, I figured it was a scam and quickly forgot about it. Now I realize that it was my employer trying to get me in trouble. How pathetic was it? The off-Tinder version of her age was buried in the middle of a long, rambling message. Whoever it was knew that I had no interest in underage girls and hoped I wouldn’t notice. A cop, or even a real producer, would have laughed in their faces. The porn ring was laughing, but nobody ever caught on.

The ‘SD’ incident

Around that same time, I matched with a woman who was looking for an “SD.” I had to look it up: “Sugar Daddy.” I told her that wasn’t really my thing, but that if she visited (she lived out of town), I’d make it worth her while. Almost immediately, my account was reported and banned. Not because I had done anything remotely predatory, but simply because Tinder’s terms of use forbid discussing arrangements of that nature, which it considers commercial.

Years later, I was taunted about this incident—which nobody would know or care about if I wasn’t being stalked—by Chad Smith from Allen Press and Stefanie Wingebach from Checkers. I demolished Chad on Facebook, but I’m guessing that didn’t make it into the mockumentary. Moreover, he had already learned that he was losing his job because the Kansas Department of Labor didn’t find the harassment at Allen Press funny. And Stefanie I’ve never even met, but if not for her stupidity, I might never have figured any of this out.

There Will Be No Doubt

I’m virtually certain that the porn ring is under federal investigation. My former coworkers—really, our employers—won’t get away with lying about me forever. Claiming that something predatory happened, hiding it from police, and exploiting it for personal gain is serious fraud and obstruction, especially in the organized crime context of the porn ring. In other words, I expect records of incidents like these to be subpoenaed and used against others in court someday. I can’t wait.

Keep in mind that the Society of Saint Pius X priests behind the mockumentary despise the clowns who were eager to “investigate” me. The point was to damage them as much as possible while making a complete mockery of them.

To Profit from Sexual Abuse

Clara Bicker, Brooke Kaul, and Sarah Salzman were each victims of recent sexual abuse when we met, beginning with Clara in late 2022. All were recruited to make humiliation porn while we dated.

Clara Bicker and Sarah Salzman

Clara had a severely abusive ex—a supervisor at one of Lawrence’s public pools. She once showed me a horrific photo of her body covered in bruises. At the end of 2023, Sarah showed me a similar photo of herself. It’s virtually certain that others were shown the same photos and told that I was the abuser. In fact, I suspect that both women were recruited specifically for the photos, which were very upsetting. (They were shown to me simply because the porn ring loves to play sick games.)

In August of 2023, after months of silence, Clara suddenly asked me for the private videos we had made. The porn ring likely published or sold the videos and claimed that I had done so without Clara’s consent. Not coincidentally, it was just after I sent letters to dozens of Allen Press customers about the scandal there. (And just before the company’s decision to permanently close.) The porn ring was rattled, and it was definitely up to something.

Nicole Martin and Brooke Kaul

In mid-2019, Nicole told me several stories about obsessive and abusive men. Once, when she was a pet sitter, a client threatened to hurt his own dog if she rejected him. In the spring of 2023, Brooke described a harrowing sextortion ordeal she was put through by a man she met on Tinder. It’s very likely that the women gave mockumentary interviews claiming that I was the abuser. The porn ring and its documentary producers like having people scapegoat me because it’s sick, twisted, and degrading.


To motivate and justify using their stories to hurt me, victims are likely told that I’ve abused in exactly the same way and gotten away with it. The producers exploit their frustration over the lack of consequences for their own abusers. Finally, understand that many reputable folks in Lawrence encourage women to do business with the porn ring. (Suffice it to say that the full story will be extremely embarrassing to a sizable, affluent segment of Lawrence.)

Matt Miller’s Suicide

A childhood friend of mine, Matt Miller, hanged himself in his bedroom the summer after seventh grade, only days after being prescribed Zoloft. His parents subsequently sued Pfizer, but ultimately lost. When I told the Millers’ story to Shannon Awerkamp in 2006, nine years had passed, and it had received significant publicity. In November of 2004, it was featured in an article1 in The New York Times Magazine about the FDA’s recent decision to add a warning label to antidepressants stating a link to suicide in adolescents. My family has always supported the Millers wholeheartedly.

Shannon’s porn ring would have immediately found the aforementioned Times Magazine article. In it, Matt’s parents, Mark and Cheryl, clearly want to blame his depression on other boys’ jealousy of him, but it’s only a hunch. That would become a major theme of the “justice” porn.

I strongly suspect that the porn ring convinced Matt’s family by the end of 2006 that I was some kind of cyberbully and that I was responsible for his death. It may have “hired” investigators and fabricated records of emails and chats from a decade earlier. Under any other circumstances—any—the Millers would have told my family. But here, the whole point was to profit from the justice porn for as long as possible. To the porn ring, Matt’s death is a gold mine.


Not coincidentally, the ultra-orthodox Society of Saint Pius X priests behind the porn ring have a distinctively harsh view of Matt’s suicide.

Notice that this scam provides a (painfully stupid) rationale for the provocation and sexual humiliation that characterizes the targeting: I was supposed to snap and be exposed as the sort of person who would’ve made Matt’s life unbearable over girl problems.

I strongly suspect that, at the urging of the mockumentary producers, many people openly hoped that I would kill myself. The producers enjoy proving that they can make people believe, say, and rally around literally anything. Again, the porn ring despises the people who appear in its justice porn, including the Millers.


Until they were scammed by the porn ring a decade later, nobody associated me with Matt’s suicide, nor with abusive behavior of any kind. (That includes Pfizer’s lawyers, who investigated Matt’s death in fiendish detail and would have loved to find that he was bullied.) Tragically, the greatest critic of the Millers’ bullshit was Matt himself. It’s a shame on many levels that he wasn’t around to set things straight.


In hindsight, Alexis Smith, Karen Scholle, and likely others thought they were taunting me by admiring Kurt Cobain. I reacted the way anyone would who grew up in the 90s. I guess they were under the impression that the SSPX’s distinctively harsh views about suicide were my own. Imagine having a regular interaction with someone, taking credit in a “documentary” for taunting them, and never giving them a chance to understand that hundreds of people are horrifically, dangerously wrong about them.

To Profit from Animal Cruelty

Cats are one of many things that Shannon Awerkamp is weird about. Growing up in Fredonia, her mom apparently took care of strays without fixing them, and they multiplied. Shannon squirmed with disgust when describing the resulting mess. By the time we met (after her conversion to SSPX), she had a fundamental problem with pets; she viewed them as wasteful and unnatural.

Additionally, Shannon has a strange phobia of Egyptian civilization and its religious symbolism, especially Sun worship and the association of gods with cats.

In contrast, I love animals as much as anyone. That so many people were scammed into believing otherwise and kept it secret from me is beyond infuriating. To the porn ring, the point, as always, was to mock them while extracting degrading “justice” porn from them.

Reuben Hamilton shoots a neighbor’s cat and blames me

Several years ago, my neighbor, Reuben Hamilton, told me that he shot a cat with a pellet gun because it was bothering his cats. Out of ignorance—I’ve never shot an animal nor a pellet gun—and an abundance of neighborly goodwill, I shrugged it off, assuming it was a minor incident.

Last year, another neighbor, Erin Daniels, told me that one of her cats had a horrific brush with death years ago after he was shot with a pellet gun in our neighborhood. He spent weeks fighting for his life as one organ failed after another. (Amazingly, he’s now healthy and happy.)

Erin said she was glad she didn’t know who shot her cat, so for the time being, I decided not to tell her what Reuben had told me. Recently, however, I’ve realized that Erin was told from the start—along with everyone else—that it was me who shot her cat. She’s believed that all along.

Reuben likely appears in the mockumentary claiming that I shot Erin’s cat. (Shooting a cat is severe animal cruelty—a serious crime—and it’s very strange that it was never reported as such.) In fact, I suspect that Reuben works for the porn ring, and that Redacted already knew him well when she “found” me the house I rent next door to him in 2011.

The porn ring used this scam to recruit many people, including Erin, to make humiliation porn, which is why she briefly dated me last year. Pause to appreciate how sick and twisted that is. The porn ring lives for stuff like that.


When I met Emily Overland in 2015, her little terrier named Hattie (who looked like Bambi) would reflexively pee whenever I walked in the front door. Emily told me that her ex had accidentally traumatized Hattie while playing, causing her to react that way whenever she saw men. It stopped happening within a few weeks. I loved Hattie. Emily occasionally played rough with her, but I never did and never could. Nevertheless, her ex’s screw-up has the feel of something the mockumentary producers had Emily blame me for.

Former neighbors’ poor pit bull

Around 2013, a family that bred pit bulls rented the house behind me. They pampered the puppies and the female but left the male out in extreme summer weather and hardly acknowledged him. I brought over water whenever his bowl was dry. He was very pitiful and very sweet. I eventually called the city. He was gone soon after, and the family moved away not long after that.

I suspect that the mockumentary somehow twists this story into me being a snooty neighbor who dislikes pit bulls. Redacted is likely the only person I told what had happened; unfortunately, she might be a clinical psychopath. Reuben Hamilton undoubtedly found out; he constantly spreads vicious rumors about me. In fact, I suspect that Reuben works for the porn ring and produces much of the justice porn himself. In other words, it’s his job to spread vicious rumors about me.

This incident is the only time in my life that I’ve reported a neighbor for anything. In hindsight, many people have lobbed taunts at me for it without ever telling me why. As always, they were being mocked by the porn ring for their love of “justice” porn that’s blatantly ridiculous, cowardly, and opportunistic.

Aquent flexes pet culture while flushing it down the toilet

From the moment I started at Aquent in 2022, the mockumentary crew had my coworkers make a huge deal about their pet-friendly culture to “taunt” me. The producers knew I’d eat it up—they know for a fact that I love animals as much as any of the clowns at Aquent. They invented the notion that I don’t love animals. Which, of course, made it impossible for me to understand that I was being taunted.

My team expended truly incredible time and effort showing off for the film crew, which was making a complete mockery of them from start to finish. When the full story is public, I doubt they’ll need to worry about their pet policies anymore.

  1. The Antidepressant Dilemma. The New York Times Magazine. November 2004. (Download PDF)

To Catch a Bigot

When we worked together at Checkers in 2016, David Tah threw a weeks-long tantrum after Simon Cowart, who is Black, accidentally took home his paycheck. He begged for Simon to be fired. He made some weird spreadsheet about it. At his sister’s request, Simon was forbidden from getting coffee at the deli, where she worked. The whole thing was absurd and felt quite racist. One day, I ripped into David on the sales floor for being such a baby.

In hindsight, it was all staged. My coworkers, including managers, thought they were making “To Catch a Racist” justice porn. I don’t mean that as a metaphor—they literally believed that. I was supposed to be exposed by this stunt and shamed by my heroic coworkers for the documentary. David and Simon were the stars. (Picture two Derek Zoolanders, one black and one white, who think they’re undercover, but they actually just work at a grocery store that’s controlled by a demented porn ring.)

I never came close to taking the bait. So they lied. Not that anyone ever told me what happened. But I know the porn ring and how thoroughly it controlled Checkers owner J.R. Lewis. I also know that David and Simon had a hard time facing me after this. They slinked away from Checkers but continued making humiliation porn behind my back for many years while we had virtually no contact.

Finally, a Porn Ring with a Racial-Sexual Humiliation Fetish

So what became of the Oscar-bound justice porn? Turns out it was just David (then the whitest kid at Haskell), Simon, and others having sex with my girlfriends, who worked for the porn ring, at my house during my shifts. All were well aware that I’m not racist nor a joke. They pretended otherwise behind my back because it was lucrative and they didn’t think I’d ever find out. (For a more nuanced discussion, see Why They Lie.) I liked David and Simon and said so whenever I talked about work, including to my girlfriends.

Checkers management was heavily involved in the ‘humiliation’ porn that was filmed during my shifts. Not only J.R. Lewis, but also my managers, Wes Nellis and Jim Fisher, who knew better than anyone that I refused to side with David during the paycheck saga.

In general, the scam that I’m racist sets up the very lucrative fantasy that my feelings are extra hurt when men of color appear in the ‘justice’ porn. Actually, it doesn’t hurt me at all.


Starting around late 2017, a Haskell student from the Dakotas named Dan worked with me at Checkers. I don’t remember his last name. Once, he told me that owner J.R. Lewis (picture Ferguson Darling) had banned a Black former coworker from the store over theft. Mind you, Dan said asinine things all the time. (Picture a hyperactive 6th grader.) I hardly acknowledged him after his first month. Moreover, I had far too much pride to kick Black people out of Checkers for J.R. Lewis. That simply wasn’t going to happen. Yet, in hindsight, there’s no doubt that the mockumentary producers set this up and had Dan, and likely others, lie about it on camera.

In general, my Checkers coworkers were preoccupied with catching shoplifters whereas it almost never crossed my mind. (Not coincidentally, I worked much harder than most of them.) Any claims to the contrary in the mockumentary are blatant lies. The producers took care to document those lies, too.

Dan meets me, promptly gives up

Speaking of Dan, the first shift we worked together, he told me a story about getting pulled over and searched by a cop. Unexpectedly, he started getting confrontational, ostensibly because I hadn’t shown enough outrage. (Really, he was following a script.) I saved Dan the trouble and made it clear that I didn’t care what anyone, including the police, did to him in the past, present, or future. From that moment on, Dan was a sweetheart, which says everything about his sincerity and courage when it came to ‘exposing’ me.

I don’t argue about the police. When someone complains about a traffic stop, I don’t stick up for the police. It’s just not a thing that I do. So when people get snippy like Dan, all I know is that they’re tripping. Sadly, they never have the courage to simply tell me what’s going on.

Of course, behind my back, Dan said and did whatever the mockumentary producers asked. His role, like that of dozens of his coworkers, was to fatally damage Checkers and thoroughly disgrace himself, all on camera for the amusement of rich perverts.

J.R. Lewis fires a Mexican person for the sake of a porn plot

Around 2018, Checkers owner J.R. Lewis fired a Mexican coworker that everyone, including me, loved, and somehow blamed me. I don’t know the details, but I know it was all a porn setup: They told the poor guy, along with the mockumentary audience, that it was my fault and then had him (or perhaps someone else) ‘humiliate’ me on camera with my girlfriend, Jerynn Lindbloom. Neither she nor my coworkers actually believed that I had anything to do with the firing; every one of them smirked when I brought it up. In fact, I suspect that the porn ring first got the idea when I told Jerynn how much I liked the guy.

Everything about the firing was documented: that it was the porn ring’s idea, that J.R. knew it was a porn setup, that I was upset about it, and that my coworkers lied just so they could play the good guys on camera. In fact, the whole point was to document that it was an unmitigated disgrace. The film is very truly a mockumentary.

Pause to appreciate how predatory and disgusting J.R. Lewis’s role in the porn ring is. He uses scams like this one—that he fired a Mexican person because I’m racist—to endear himself to his youngest employees and have them film weird underground porn to ‘punish’ me. It kept happening long after I left Checkers in early 2019. The porn ring intentionally, for its own amusement, makes J.R.’s role as pathetic as possible, because it knows that he’s a spineless little bitch.

Phillip Chavez

Phillip joined my team at Aquent Studios after me. We both worked remotely. Around March of 2023, for the sake of transparency, I showed Aquent a letter I’d written to law enforcement about the scandal at Allen Press, my previous employer. Almost immediately, Phillip was laid off. (My letter had absolutely nothing to do with him.) Over the next couple of months, several others on our team, including myself, were also laid off. I didn’t suspect that anything was amiss at Aquent until a year later.

In hindsight, my coworkers were incredibly weird about Phillip’s dismissal, which makes me think that I’m somehow blamed for it in the mockumentary. (Phillip isn’t an immigrant, but see also J.R. Lewis fires a Mexican person for the sake of a porn plot.) Phillip and I got along great. We started the Kevin James meme. Swear to God. The idea that I would or could have gotten him fired is bonkers, as is the fact that my coworkers went along with it.

By that time, my team at Aquent was well aware that the ‘documentary’ was a sham and a disgrace. They knew that my treatment of Phillip was beyond reproach and that every stunt they pulled was nothing more than a sick game—I was going to be portrayed the same way on film no matter what. They knew. All of them. But they understood by then that the truth didn’t matter at all, nor justice. Only the film. The same thing happened at Checkers and at Allen Press. It’s actually pretty horrifying.

What they didn’t realize is that the producers were never on their side. The cut they expected everyone to see was just a joke. In fact, the film crew was there to document all of the gory, dystopian details of what happened.

Now we’re old and gray, Fernando

At KU Dining in early 2015, a teenage coworker with darker skin named Fernando, whom I also liked, was recruited to film humiliation porn. There were likely many others, but the Fernando incident sticks out because our manager, John Thompson, gleefully taunted me about it at work. It was a perfect microcosm of John and me: He pretends to score points on me and smirks, snarls, and scowls about it while I’m oblivious and unfailingly good-natured. (There were people much higher up than John at KU Dining who bent over backward for the porn ring. I wish I knew their names.) See Lawrence’s Underground Porn Scandal for more.

The white hero fantasy

Back in 2008, I was at an Aggieville cafe with Melanie Hall when McKenzie Grace called me. Both women were fellow K-State students who dated me around that time, and both were recruited by the porn ring before I met them. McKenzie launched into a rant about how society doesn’t need police. Mind you, this was not a high-concept, racial-justice, defund-the-police rant. Rather, McKenzie was a clueless, homophobic libertarian—to whom Manhattan, Kan. was a big city—talking out of her ass. I reminded her of that on the phone. That’s when Mel, who had a mixed-race son, jumped in on her high horse. Something about her ex beating her up, but he’s a good guy and the police were worthless. I didn’t argue. The whole scenario felt very weird.

In hindsight, it’s obvious what was happening. The mockumentary crew set this up ostensibly to let McKenzie and Mel take credit for exposing me as a racist cop-fanboy, which they undoubtedly did on camera. Of course, the actual issue, and the one actually being explored by the mockumentary, was that they acted like mean children simply because the producers asked them to, while my behavior was beyond reproach. And that they lied about it on camera, also to please the producers. And that, as a result, I’ve been getting smirked at for 15 years by people who, like them, don’t have one-tenth my character or genuine concern for justice.

An overpowering fantasy

The porn ring knows that for certain white people, it’s an overpowering fantasy to showcase their racial enlightenment in a blockbuster documentary. Mel is transparently one of those white people.1 So are Ashley Walker and Julie Pearce Valladares, other K-Staters who weaseled their way into the ‘documentary.’ So are John Thompson and Jim Fisher, my managers at KU Dining and Checkers, respectively. In their fifties, John and Jim were even more desperate than the aforementioned college girls to get screen time at my expense. It was jaw-droppingly exploitative—again, they were my bosses. (See also the note about Jim’s disturbing obsession with my grandparents.)

An elaborate hoax

Of course, the triple-A documentary was actually an elaborate hoax. The producers despise people like Mel, Ashley, Julie, John, and Jim. And that’s a small sample of the folks who appear in the mockumentary posing as ludicrous white heroes. First, the porn ring let them prove that they were motivated entirely by vanity and not at all by justice. Then it let them brag about it for ten or 15 years just to compound their humiliation.

Women of Color mural

In the summer of 2018, Alexis Smith spoke with great self-admiration about attending a packed Lawrence city commission meeting that advanced the approval of a downtown mural celebrating local women of color. Alexis knows that I’d never oppose the mural, but she was hired to make me look racist for a ‘documentary,’ so she did her best to antagonize me. (Both Alexis and the audience were being mocked by the producers.)

Alexis was deliberately obnoxious about her participation until I took her down a peg—I said it sounded like a bunch of white academics interrupting ordinary city business to grandstand and take credit for something that was going to pass anyway. (I might have even been right about that.) It was a dumb incident; I only mention it because I’m certain that many people have heard a maliciously inaccurate version of it.

Really, Mike?

One busy Christmas Eve (perhaps 2016), Mike Smith, then store manager of Checkers, vented to me that it was always Black people who waited until the last minute. In hindsight, it was an obvious scapegoat incident: He undoubtedly appears in the mockumentary claiming that I made the remark. The producers get off on making people scapegoat me—especially authority figures like Mike—because it’s sick and degrading.

Really, Nidhi?

Way back in 2008 at Kansas State, a fellow graduate student, Nidhi Tare, made a derogatory comment about Mexicans. I don’t remember what it was, exactly, but I remember being shocked. In hindsight, as with Mike Smith, it was an obvious scapegoat incident: She appears in the mockumentary claiming that it was me who made the remark.

Nidhi, who is from India, was likely under the impression that I had something against immigrants, which I had no way of knowing because it has no basis in reality, and because nobody at K-State had the courage to tell me. Nidhi and I worked and traveled together, and I never once gave her a reason to believe the mockumentary. Unlike the other foreign students in our cohort, Nidhi was a pain in the ass, but I was always nice to her.

Really, Ashley?

Also at Kansas State around 2008, Ashley Walker and I were walking on campus when we passed a large group of Black students. She wondered aloud why “they do that” (hang out together). I figured she was just cranky. Now, it’s obvious that this was yet another instance of scapegoating: Like Nidhi and Mike, Ashley appears in the mockumentary claiming that I made the remark. Ashley is transparently the sort of person who would stab you in the back to be ‘documented’ as a white hero.

Antisemitism: The SSPX Serpent in the Garden

The Society of Saint Pius X is weird about many things. But if you had to pick the one thing it’s most weird about, you’d definitely have to go with antisemitism. And it’s a safe bet that the priests who control the porn ring are especially antisemitic.

This is not a drill

The porn ring has been lying about me to scam Lawrence Jews into making justice porn since I moved here 13 years ago. They were being exploited by an organization that truly hates them. One that calls them Christ-killers. One that genuinely believes Jews are secretly behind all of the Catholic Church’s problems. One that was founded by shameless Holocaust-deniers. This is not a drill. This is genuinely militant antisemitism. The porn ring’s SSPX puppet masters are as bad as it gets.

The SSPX itself has taken steps to clean up its image, including by eventually expelling a founding bishop who publicly denied that the Holocaust ever happened. But the priests who control the porn ring clearly aren’t in the Society’s mainstream (which is really saying something), nor do they have a public image to worry about. More to the point, they spread rumors about antisemitism, and pretend to produce justice porn, as a means to mock and target Jews specifically.

L’affaire Michelle

Around 2015, I met Michelle, who then owned a boutique in downtown Lawrence, at the community garden that sits between Reuben Hamilton’s house and mine. We only talked once or twice, but she grew close to Reuben, who works for the porn ring that’s targeted me since 2006. I don’t remember her last name or the name of her store.

Michelle criticized other gardeners—after mentioning that they really were Jewish—for taking too much topsoil by calling it ‘Jewish.’ It was blatantly gross and I’m certain that it was staged. I think I laughed uncomfortably, which is embarrassing, but Michelle was just a random lady to me. (I’m the very last person who would know or care which of my neighbors were Jewish.) In hindsight, it seems obvious that I was scapegoated for this in a mockumentary interview.

The deal with Reuben

For a few months now, I’ve assumed that Reuben Hamilton works for the porn ring and does much of its recruiting and producing here in town. At least, he’s incredibly devoted to spreading rumors about me, and I’m not aware of anything else he does. If I’m right about Reuben, then he’s responsible for knowingly lying to Jews to recruit them, but I doubt he himself is antisemitic. I doubt he knows anything about the SSPX. In general, I think Reuben genuinely likes the neighbors he scams. He likes to be their hero. Unfortunately, he works for some really bad people.

The girl who mocked Anne Frank

When I first met Redacted in 2010, she had just returned from Amsterdam where she visited a porn ring operative or client named Graham, who sexually assaulted her. She told me that they’d seen the Anne Frank House museum. She mocked it as phony, which she apparently picked up from Graham. I was surprised; I hadn’t been aware of any such skepticism. Although her ridicule wasn’t explicitly antisemitic, the severity of it felt strange and off-putting—worse than Michelle’s blatant stereotype.

I’d be shocked if Redacted didn’t give an interview saying that it was me who mocked Anne Frank. I would never do that. Moreover, I suspect that her mockery may have been sincere, and that Graham is genuinely a raging antisemite.2

Mitcher Barnes

I worked with Mitcher at GTM Sportswear (Manhattan, Kan.) in 2006–7. We hit it off when we met, just a couple of months before I was first targeted. It eventually came up that he’s Jewish, and that he was teased about it while growing up in Salina. He probably only mentioned it after he’d seen the ‘documentary’ and met its secretly antisemitic producers.

I grew up with Jewish friends in a staunchly pro-Israel family. To me, finding out someone is Jewish is no more scandalous than finding out they’re Irish. It had no effect on the way I viewed Mitcher or treated him. Nevertheless, things got weird during my last few months at GTM. Sadly, I assume Mitcher appears in the mockumentary claiming that I was somehow exposed as antisemitic, which is untrue.3

Shannon Awerkamp

Shannon, the SSPX parishioner through whom I was targeted, was well aware that I found her Church’s antisemitism grotesque and alienating. She’s gotten a lot of sick pleasure out of turning my own Jewish neighbors and coworkers against me.

Gender and Sexuality

For a glimpse of the Society of Saint Pius X’s mindset about gender and sexuality, see the Kansas Reflector’s coverage of the SSPX-controlled Saint Marys city commission refusing to renew the public library’s lease until it removed all books with LGBTQ themes from its youth collection.

Jerynn Lindbloom

Jerynn identified as queer for most or all of our relationship, which began in mid-2016. But I suddenly sensed tension about it near the end, in 2018, even though she knew it didn’t bother me. The reason was simply that Jerynn was hired by an SSPX-controlled porn ring to portray me as a bigot for a bloodthirsty audience. (The point, of course, was to mock her and the audience.) Antagonizing me without my participation was the best she could do.

Beck Fife

Beck identifies as non-binary, which my team at Aquent Studios tried incredibly hard to prove bothered me. Diana Malmstrom pretended to hate Beck. Said that Beck was deliberately cruel to her about her dead cat. (No, it’s not a coincidence.) She took countless cheap shots at Beck’s gender. (Diana is kind of trash.) I think the best she ever got from me—long after we were laid off, and after she ‘helped’ me find another job—was, “Yeah, they were a pain in the ass.” Which is exactly what Beck was told to be so that I’d criticize them.

Consider our managers’ stupidity and opportunism to fall for this scam: “If all twenty of you working together for months could get this guy to say in private that Beck is annoying, boy, that’d make for great justice porn. You’ll be heroes!” For the people producing that ‘justice porn’, the whole point was to make a complete mockery of our team and Aquent, which worked brilliantly. Given the amount of effort that went into it, the mockumentary is undoubtedly littered with lies about it.

I liked Beck from my first week, when they did a great job training me. We called every minor inconvenience our villain origin story. I did initially misgender them on accident, but I quickly corrected it. Outside of the bizarre justice-porn ritual of our team meetings, we got along great. What an embarrassment and a cruel thing our team did to us.

McKenzie Grace

McKenzie and I dated in 2008 at the peak of the national debate about same-sex marriage, to which she was staunchly opposed. I assured her that she was on the wrong side of history and that she’d be embarrassed of it someday. McKenzie was 20 and changed a lot during college, but I mention it because my politics are portrayed in the mockumentary as essentially a cartoon version of hers at the time. As she knew well, that couldn’t be further from the truth.4

I suspect that the mockumentary producers recruited McKenzie and her friends from a mega-popular non-denominational Christian student group at Kansas State—I think it was Campus Crusades. Despite agreeing with them that homosexuality is sinful, the producers despise McKenzie and her friends. They were recruited to thoroughly disgrace and humiliate themselves on camera for the amusement of rich perverts, and that’s exactly what they did.

Pride and pronouns

Shannon Awerkamp’s homophobia was textbook, yet she managed to be friends with classmates who likely were gay. In other words, she was content to ignore an individual’s homosexuality as long as he let her. What she couldn’t tolerate, on the other hand, was gay pride. At least once, she told me that God himself was repulsed by it. She never mentioned pronouns in 2006, but it’s a safe bet that she feels similarly about pride in, and the open acceptance of, non-normative gender identities.

Many dozens of people over the years thought they were taunting me about pronouns and gay pride. The idea that I’m bothered by those things, or that I’m an enemy of LGBTQ people, is literally a sick joke—one created by ultra-orthodox priests specifically to wind folks up, mock them, and extract revenge porn from them.


I often wonder what I said or did that could’ve given people the wrong impression. But none of it mattered. The producers choose arbitrarily how to portray me; it has nothing to do with my behavior. If not for the mockumentary, it would never even cross someone’s mind that I’m intolerant.

It’s truly sad to consider the time and effort wasted on the justice porn over the past 18 years, the damage done to folks who participated, and the profit made by people who genuinely despise the LGBTQ community.

Revs. Mitch and Jan Todd

The issue of openly gay clergy has been [incredibly divisive] in the United Methodist Church. The Todds, themselves ministers in the Church, have long supported lifting the ban on such clergy. I worked for Mitch in 2004, when he was a campus minister at Kansas State University. He and Jan knew me as tolerant, respectful, and progressive. Nevertheless, they were scammed by the mockumentary a couple of years later, in late 2006.

Shannon Awerkamp fumed when I spoke about Mitch and Jan’s activism. Predictably, that activism suddenly became their whole identity once they had a film crew ‘documenting’ it. They’ve now spent 18 years pretending that their frantic rainbow-armored self-promotion blitz somehow hurts my feelings. They’ve been getting skewered by the producers the entire time.

Dishonest Ableism

I’ve had several off interactions over the years about adults with mental disabilities, especially with Gantt Rawls and Amelia Neuhaus, who both worked with such adults, and with a shift lead at Jimmy John’s who simply oozed self-righteousness for no apparent reason. In hindsight, I was likely being scapegoated by all three.

I don’t pretend to understand the porn ring’s angle on this one. The Catholic Church teaches that the lives of people with disabilities are as sacred as any other—that they’re part of God’s design and not some mistake. So I doubt the intent is to mock compassion for people with disabilities. It likely has to do with contempt for group homes like the ones where Gantt and Amelia worked, or for families who place members in such homes.

Amelia Neuhaus

The last time I saw Amelia, in mid-2022, she told me that she’d brought a group of adults with mental disabilities to a restaurant, and that a man had snapped at her to keep them away from him. He used shockingly degrading language. It was the first time I’d seen Amelia in over a year, and she acted very strange. I’m virtually certain that she scapegoated me for the incident in an on-camera interview.

Jimmy John’s

In mid-2019, a Jimmy John’s (6th & Kasold) coworker and I had a normal, friendly interaction with a regular who appeared to have Tourette syndrome. Afterward, my coworker launched into a speech about how much he loved the guy. I think it included a story about someone being cruel to him. I liked that customer, too; any claim that I was rude to him is completely untrue. (This is the same coworker who heroically played loud music before the store opened—which I also liked.)

Accessible software

Dan Andresen was one of my professors at K-State. In one of his courses, there was a demonstration via telephone in which a blind person navigated K-State’s website while talking us through the experience. I found it extremely interesting. In hindsight, it was supposed to bother me. The mockumentary undoubtedly has footage of Dan, all the way back in 2007, taking credit for shaming or teasing me about accessibility in his class.

At Aquent Studios, where I worked from 2022–3, I pointed out that they were using alt text incorrectly. On the web, an image is replaced by its alt text for people who can’t see it. In general, captions make for poor alt text because they’re irrelevant and confusing to someone who’s reading a text-only version of the page. I knew that because I read about it in the HTML specification, simply because I cared. (I lost the argument, so when a blind person visits a Marriott site, they just hear a surreal, endless litany of inane descriptions of photographs that they can’t see and don’t care about.)

Only a few months ago, I was likely taunted about accessible software by my team at Caterpillar Digital. With genuine enthusiasm, I volunteered to assess our sites from an accessibility perspective. The whole scenario was likely staged by the film crew as a ‘joke.’ (They were mocking my team for thinking it was funny. I quit soon after.)

The premise that I have a negative attitude about accessible design couldn’t be further from the truth. That’s the opposite of who I am. Unfortunately, Dan Andresen and my team at Caterpillar only got to play the clever good guys in the ‘documentary’ if they lied about me.

See also the note about Dan ‘taunting’ me about immigration.

The Shame Here Is Fat-Free

Soon after I was hired at Aquent Studios in 2022, Chad (I don’t know his last name) joined our team. One of his first weeks, we were told that he had a big reveal for us. A few days later, he turned on his camera and told us that he used to be obese. It was kind of weird. I remember hoping he didn’t feel too embarrassed.

In hindsight, it’s obvious what was happening. Chad was hired to make justice porn on the premise that I had a problem with obese people. As always, the porn ring just made that up. The point was to mock Chad—not his former obesity but his vanity—and especially Aquent for throwing its reputation away to make blatantly silly and degrading ‘justice’ porn.

I’d guess Chad was recruited directly from an online forum where guys like him obsess over gains and losses. (I suspect that the porn ring finds amateur cop enthusiasts the same way.) For reference, Shannon Awerkamp, the SSPX parishioner through whom I was targeted, regarded exercise as an evil waste of energy. It disgusted her to see people jogging and going to gyms.

Chad likely traveled to Lawrence, from Kentucky I believe, to make porn with women I know. Those women worked for a criminal porn ring that despises Chad and Aquent. (On the other hand, I genuinely liked them.) The point was to seriously damage Aquent while extracting cheap underground porn, which is exactly what happened.

  1. In general, I think Mel was encouraged to scapegoat me for things her son’s father had done. She and her son once stayed overnight at my place in Olathe. As we left the next morning, she told me that he’d wet the bed. I told her not to worry about it and drove her to work. Given the overwhelming influence of the mockumentary on our time together, it was likely staged, which means that the producers had her lie about my reaction.

    To give you an idea of Mel’s taste and discernment, she was a huge Zeitgeist fan.

  2. While Graham is clearly a loser, Redacted was quite proud to be his ‘friend’ because he had money and lived overseas. He’s been laughing at her all along.

  3. One of Mitcher’s quirks was an obsession with Mel Gibson that verged on alarming but managed to be endearing. In hindsight, it was obviously a joke. I don’t know what Mitcher thought the joke was, but clearly, it was on him.

  4. Another McKenzie-ism that I suspect I’m scapegoated for in the mockumentary is that she didn’t believe in hand-washing. She resented how harshly it was judged. I wash my hands 100 percent of the time I use the restroom, whether at home or in public.

Other Mockumentary Topics

The mockumentary is intentionally lame. Absurdly lame. In fact, it’s meant to be the lamest film ever made by a wide margin. I’ve never seen it, but I understand the producers’ disdain for what and whom they claim to be “documenting.” Or at least, I understand it as well as a non-celibate person could reasonably hope to.

The breadth and silliness of the topics addressed by the mockumentary is mind-boggling. I’ll be shocked if there aren’t at least 20 minutes devoted to Honey Boo Boo. This section addresses a tiny sample of those topics. The mockumentary has been in progress for 18 years—a tiny sample is really all I care to think about.

To Catch a Pervert

The porn ring portrays me as a pervert simply to dehumanize me. It has no basis in reality. This is a tiny sample of the claims that likely appear in the mockumentary.

Kevan is a great project manager

In early 2022, Allen Press senior manager Kevan Meinershagen searched my personal computer. He was fired a few days later. Brett Scott, my manager, thought I was tricked into giving Kevan access by an intentionally ridiculous, weeks-long ordeal that the mockumentary producers walked them through. At the end, Brett twice taunted (emphasis his), “Kevan is a great project manager.” (You can’t make this stuff up.) In reality, I was using my personal computer for work because I wanted to. I’d have joined it to the company domain without hesitation if they’d simply asked.

I suspect that Kevan had earlier tried to physically access my computer—coworkers regularly entered my house to film porn—and was preoccupied with the fact that it was encrypted, as all Windows PCs have been for years now.

My private life is squeaky clean. I used my computer for work, hobby software development, and nothing else. I hope Kevan lied on camera, because I expect him to be the subject of a rather thorough state or federal investigation. He frequently played police officer with much younger women under the ridiculous pretext of investigating me. To understand the sort of depravity the porn ring has in mind when it enables creeps like Kevan, see the strip-search phone scam. See also Jenna Anderson.

Boudoir photos

Coworkers at Jimmy John’s (6th & Kasold) in mid-2019 made a big deal about having seen a female coworker’s boudoir photos on the store’s computer. You couldn’t have paid me to look. But if the producers bothered to set it up, then they also had my coworkers lie about it on camera.

House sitting

I was asked to house sit on a few occasions for people who were already involved in the mockumentary and highly controlled by the porn ring. Rachel Toll was one; Ashley Estrada was another. It’s nauseating to picture them lying on camera that I was creepy, which they likely did. In reality, I could not be more honest or respectful of others’ privacy.1

Politics: Communism, Fascism, Royalty

The Society of Saint Pius X is notoriously anti-communist and (historically) fascist-leaning. Not coincidentally, the producers of the SSPX’s justice porn “documentary” mock participants by letting them think they’re teasing me for those very views.

I talk about politics exactly like a college-educated person who’s lived in East Lawrence for 13 years and reads The New York Times. In all these years, nobody has ever witnessed anything different. It’s astonishing that people uniformly believe the mockumentary over their own eyes and ears—that nothing I say or do matters.

Comrades of cringe

My team at Aquent Studios turned communism into a running gag to tease me. I thought it was cute. But in hindsight, they did take it suspiciously far. Imagine being a manager and everyone finding out that you spent countless man-hours “teasing” a member of your team to impress a mockumentary crew, and he never even noticed. That’s Brennan Lietz at Aquent, and it’s not even close to the weirdest thing he did. And it’s all on film because he thought he was showcasing his intelligence and virtue for a documentary.


That same Aquent team also apparently believed that I have a thing for the royal family. I’m the last person on Earth who would have a thing for the royal family. This joke probably references traditionalist Catholicism’s true ideal form of government—not fascism but Christendom. The producers were clearly toying with my coworkers—daring them to recognize that it was a joke.

Ope, you got me — I’m a Dark Ages guy

In hindsight, people thought the Renaissance (and Renaissance Festival) bothered me. This joke references the fact that the Dark Ages were the Catholic Church’s golden age. I recall that Shannon Awerkamp was aggrieved by the term “Dark Ages” and the narrative that’s taught in history class.

At this point, the producers are just showing off. The mockumentary gives them god-like power over people’s behavior. Countless people over the years—this goes all the way back to GTM Sportswear in 2007—honestly believed that I was triggered by the Renaissance—literally the historical period—and that “tormenting” me about it made them look cool. Let that really sink in.

The acid trip continues: enter Mr. Brown

In fact, I strongly suspect that the porn ring went back and involved my high school Western Civilization teacher, Jeff Brown, whom I mentioned to Shannon when she spoke about Church history. I get the feeling that appearing in the “documentary” as a “scholar” was going to be the highlight of his career. I can’t wait to see the footage.

See also Making Up the Grade, with Eric Punswick.

Making Up the Grade, with Eric Punswick

There are only a couple of teachers I’ve ever truly disliked. Eric, who taught a couple of my classes at Blue Valley Northwest High School, is one of them. (In contrast, I liked Jeff Brown just fine.) He tried desperately to impress certain kids, especially girls, spent whole class periods chatting privately with them, and didn’t teach—instead, he occasionally offered whiny, genuinely low-IQ social commentary. Frankly, all of that was fine with me, but he also didn’t grade our work. One day late in the semester, he handed each of us an index card with a single letter grade on it. That was it—the only feedback on our work to that point.

My mom, herself a hardworking teacher, had to pull teeth to get me to talk about school, but I did tell her about the index card stunt. She called Eric and simply asked how he had determined my grade. The next class period, I got a new index card. My grade had changed from a C to an A.

Laughable indignation

I strongly suspect that this story appears in the mockumentary. I was likely taunted about it on Facebook earlier this year by a random administrator in a nearby school district. To the film’s producers—who despise uppity public school teachers—the joke is that I never complain or cause problems at school or work. Never. I’m the last person who asked my parents for help, even in high school. I’m truly the last person in my high school class who deserves to be trashed in a film for cheating or complaining or being coddled. That’s not some hidden truth; it was plainly obvious to my teachers and bosses over the years.

Meanwhile, Eric Punswick’s conduct as a professional teacher was spiteful, lazy, and dishonest—a disgrace. He’s likely venerated in the mockumentary, which of course is meant as a joke.

Rewarding outrage to attract losers

The reason this topic appears in the mockumentary isn’t that my mom called Eric Punswick. The producers can get people like Eric to say anything they want; that this story happened to be inspired by a real event is practically irrelevant. Rather, it’s in the film because it’s the sort of thing that people like to be seen expressing outrage about. The producers have a keen sense of those topics—tipping, for example—and they pack them into the film at will, with zero concern for actual events.

In fact, truthful portrayals of my family are antithetical to the film’s purpose, as is anything resembling justice. Rather, what’s being documented is a bunch of losers clamoring to get credit for their ridiculous outrage. The topics are intentionally brutally unfair and often comically implausible. It’s a justice porn mockumentary.

A crucifixion metaphor, literally

To the priests behind the mockumentary, my role is metaphorically akin to a scapegoat or animal sacrifice—the same metaphor they use for a sinless person being nailed to a cross. That’s what the producers of the film have in mind when they instruct my acquaintances to trash me and my family on camera. They’re sick, of course, but they’ve utterly, dominantly exposed the mockumentary’s many participants and fans. And it’s all on film.

Culture War Nausea

Student loans

Tiffany Cooper, whom I dated soon after I was first targeted, fiercely resented that she had more debt than me. Later, Redacted and Alexis Smith were coached to behave the same way to get under my skin. I told all three of them to get a life, which any self-respecting person would have done. I paid for grad school with a research job while being targeted by a vicious porn ring and its Silas-from–The Da Vinci Code puppet masters. I’ve been through vastly more than those women, gotten by with far less, and I never criticize the financial situations of others.

The porn ring encourages people to feel self-righteous about their participation to mock them—it’s blatantly a sick joke. In hindsight, many of my Allen Press and Aquent coworkers thought they were teasing me about loans. What an embarrassment. See also Confused Warfare.

The Postal Service

In early 2023, my team at Aquent tried to expose that I dislike mail carriers. I don’t know where this one comes from. I’m not someone who gripes about the postal service.2 But, similar to the claim that I gripe about homeless people, it’s such a common occurrence that you wonder how anyone could have taken the “justice” porn seriously.

I’m nearly certain that this claim has been prominently featured in the mockumentary for many years. The motivation is obvious: to compromise postal workers and extract weird mailman revenge porn, much of which was likely filmed at my house with women I know. Everyone involved, including the local audience, was getting skewered by the porn ring for failing to recognize that the “justice” porn was intentionally disgraceful, dystopian, and asinine.

Public radio and television

In fact, I suspect that there’s a whole genre of claims in the mockumentary that I oppose publicly funded services and media, for instance NPR and PBS, which is laughably untrue. As always, the porn ring was mocking all of the losers who lined up to be “documented” saving public radio from the infidel in their midst.

McKenzie Grace may have scapegoated me for her unpopular politics back when we dated in 2008. At the time, she was a hardcore anti-government libertarian trapped in the body of a sorority girl.

Public schools

The priests behind the mockumentary loath public schools. Shannon Awerkamp viewed them as a dystopian state instrument of mass brainwashing. In contrast, my mom was a public school teacher, my sister and I attended public schools, and so did my dad. In fact, we were staunch supporters of public schools. If that support has weakened over time, it’s a direct result of the hellish, incomprehensible effect of the mockumentary on our lives since 2006. Nevertheless, I strongly suspect that we’re portrayed as enemies of public schools in the film. See also Making Up the Grade, with Eric Punswick.

National Parks

The mockumentary is designed to be a ridiculous fantasy for the people involved. Around 2018, Jim Fisher, my manager at Checkers, started talking about national parks. The producers likely had him claim that he had to set me straight about them. They know that national parks are so hot right now, and that for Jim, it’s an overpowering fantasy to be their champion in a high-profile documentary. Jim had long since embraced that the film was a scam. He wasn’t trying to expose or taunt me; he was simply playing the producers’ sick game.


The ultra-orthodox priests behind the porn ring aren’t big on globalization of any kind. It’s not that they favor a particular country; it’s that they truly want the world to return to its medieval state. It’s fairly obvious that the mockumentary portrays me as anti-travel and anti-globalization. I’m personally not a big traveler, but the portrayal has nothing to do with me. It’s something that people want to be ‘documented’ criticizing, because they think it makes them look good. That’s what the mockumentary is all about.

Joseph Stanfill

Joe was a high school friend who knew much better than to believe the mockumentary. He was also incredibly simple for the porn ring to research: He pontificates about world affairs on Facebook with all the credibility of Richie Rich. For 18 years, the porn ring has mocked Joe by winding him up and letting him think he’s destroying my made-up views, which generally are the SSPX’s own. Imagine thinking you’re John Oliver and then finding out that you’ve spent your entire adult life getting lapped over and over by these guys.

Finally, a porn ring for Taylor Swift fans

I suspect that the mockumentary portrays me as a Taylor Swift hater, which is a transparent ploy to trick women into filming weird revenge porn. (The porn ring gets off on mocking the women it recruits. See also: Finally, a Porn Ring for the Service Industry.)

I’ve never once hated on Taylor Swift. I think it’s adorable how much women my age love her, and I always have. Any claim to the contrary is a blatant lie. The mockumentary producers enjoy proving that they can make people believe, say, and rally around anything they want.

  1. I once went through Jerynn Lindbloom’s phone, which I told her about the next day. I did it because I suspected her of filming porn at my house, and I was right. Few people can imagine being lied to and exploited as severely as I was by friends, like Jerynn, who were on the porn ring’s payroll.

  2. At Aquent, I did crack a joke about Amazon expecting my USPS package to be delivered around or after 8pm, which is objectively funny. My team undoubtedly thought they’d outed me as a domestic terrorist.


This isn’t nearly a comprehensive account of the people involved. For now, it’s a collection of notes that don’t fit into the main article.

Aquent Studios

By coincidence, Aquent hired me right as I got the attention of police in August of 2022. Nevertheless, and despite being based a thousand miles away in Boise, my team still was scammed by the mockumentary. As with all of my employers, I never once gave Aquent a reason to believe what it was told about me. I worked remotely for Aquent from 2022–3.

In March of 2023, for the sake of transparency, I showed Aquent a letter that I’d written to law enforcement about the scandal at Allen Press. My bosses panicked when they realized that I wasn’t nearly as clueless as they’d been led to believe. My team was sharply downsized over the next couple of months, with the layoffs, including mine, disguised as several separate events.

See The Shame Here is Fat-Free, Politics: Communism, Fascism, Royalty, and Beck Fife.

Allen Press

I worked at Allen Press, in Lawrence, from 2019–22. The company was destroyed by the porn ring. The building has been empty since late 2023. See Lawrence’s Underground Porn Scandal.

Randy Radosevich, CEO through 2019

Randy was the CEO of Allen Press when I was hired. A few months later, at the end of 2019, he was abruptly dismissed from the company. There’s a 100-percent chance that the porn ring was involved in Randy’s firing.

Randy’s vibe is a bulldozer that spits out inane press releases and LinkedIn posts. To the porn ring, he’s a joke. Like Kevan Meinershagen, Reuben Hamilton, and Christian, he practically has “Fake Porn Ring Cop” stamped on his forehead.

After he was fired, Randy moved to my parents’ neighborhood in the Kansas City suburbs. I hope for his sake that doesn’t mean what I think it does. See also my article from September of 2023 about “The Hub” debacle.

Senior managers Kevan Meinershagen, Jenny Scott, and Carlos Calderon

Kevan, Jenny, Carlos, and likely others were fired in early 2022 after gleefully overseeing the harassment. I suspect that the mockumentary producers finally showed the company a sample of the unflattering footage they had amassed. Carlos was the head of HR. (Let that sink in.)

See also Kevan is a Great Project Manager.

Brett Scott, manager

Brett was my supervisor at Allen Press. My original department was split in the summer of 2021 so that he and Jenny Scott (no relation) could oversee the harassment. Brett long ago lost his marbles and his dignity trying to ‘catch’ me.

Jenna Anderson

Jenna has spent years impersonating me on dedicated devices that others—mostly Kevan Meinershagen, I suspect—can access remotely to pretend to monitor me. She’s disturbingly devoted—she left the office practically the same day as me in January of 2022 to work remotely long-term. (If you know Jenna, you know that disturbing is very on-brand.)

Remember the astronaut who, in a jealous rage, drove across the country wearing diapers so she wouldn’t have to stop? That’s Jenna’s vibe. It’s harrowing to know that she’s been obsessed with me and my family for the past five years. I very truly don’t want to know the details.

Justin Zaruba

In November of 2023, Justin posted to Reddit claiming that Allen Press was shut down by a Russian state-sponsored hack. He was likely being disingenuous, but it’s true that he and others were locked out of their computers while Allen Press (then Sheridan Kansas) was winding down. Not coincidentally, it started in late August, a few days after I wrote to dozens of their customers about the company’s scandal. The decision to close the plant came a week later.

When Jenny Scott made Justin an account manager in the summer of 2021, his only recent work experience was bussing tables and (apparently) writing novels. He was hired because the porn ring controlled Allen Press and he’d been helping target me for years by then. Guys like Justin can hear the porn ring’s dog whistle—depravity and sexual exploitation in the name of justice, ’cause chicks dig justice—and they hang around for chances to participate.

Chris McConnell

Chris and I were effectively a two-person team, which made his role automatic. He could have been a chimpanzee and the porn ring would’ve given him exactly the same role, which was to act like a piece of trash while I good-naturedly pretended not to notice. I did both of our jobs while management cheered him on. As Chris would say, it was super weird. It was also junk.

Chris, who looks perpetually like someone’s 6th-grade yearbook photo, undoubtedly filmed ‘humiliation’ porn with women I know. Those women worked for a criminal porn ring that despises Chris. In fact, his true role, like that of company management, was to fatally damage Allen Press on film for the amusement of rich perverts.

Micah Hirschler

I dated Micah for a few weeks in mid-2020. Her role was similar to that of Kelli Gore at Checkers. We were supposed to date seriously so that Micah could make humiliation porn, but apparently the porn ring wasn’t cool with our status. So instead, people were likely told that I had sexually abused Micah, and work became a surreal nightmare of harassment.

The last time I saw Micah outside of work, she asked if I wanted to make things serious and I said no. I told her from the bottom of my heart how great she is; she said that it was one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to her. That was it. Within days, she was already acting strange in our department chat. (Our office was remote at the time.) Whenever I told other coworkers what had happened between us, the response was very strange—even by Allen Press standards. I can only imagine what they were told.

It’s possible that Micah was told that I had done something to her without her knowing. Whatever she said about me, keep in mind that she was being used, lied to, bribed, and coerced by not only an extremely dangerous porn ring, but also her bosses, from Jenny Scott all the way to the top of Allen Press.


Checkers Foods is an independent grocery store in Lawrence, Kansas owned by J.R. Lewis and built by his father, Jim Lewis.

J.R. Lewis, owner

See Lawrence’s Underground Porn Scandal.

Jim Fisher, assistant manager

Jim bet it all on the documentary. His role was to fatally damage Checkers while throwing away his dignity on camera for the amusement of ultra-orthodox priests, which is exactly what he did. The full story of his involvement will be shockingly disgusting.

See the note about Jim’s pathetic white hero fantasy. And the one about his disturbing obsession with my grandparents.

David Tah

See To Catch a Predator, To Catch a Bigot.

Simon Cowart

See To Catch a Bigot.

Kelli Gore

After I broke up with Jerynn Lindbloom in late 2018, Checkers owner J.R. Lewis dangled Kelli Gore in front of me until we started dating. Her initial role was to replace Jerynn as the girlfriend at my house while I was at work. But I kept her at arm’s length, and after a couple of months, work became a surreal nightmare of harassment. J.R. likely told my coworkers and neighbors that I had sexually abused Kelli, among other horrible things. I wasn’t meant to survive it. (The explicit goal was for me to kill myself.) Incredibly, police weren’t involved until I contacted them more than three years later.

Once, at work, Kelli did something to my hand that slowly, over the course of hours, developed into a minor chemical burn—like a scratch, but in a distinctive shape. Later that day, she took a photo of it. It was either a kind of branding, purely for the porn value, or else an identifying mark that could be used to implicate me in other staged photos.

Jimmy John’s

Kelly Becker manages the Jimmy John’s at 6th & Kasold in Lawrence, where I worked for a few weeks in mid-2019. During my brief time there and for years after I left, the porn ring extracted tons of weird porn from my Jimmy John’s coworkers, whom it was mocking and humiliating, in exchange for screen time in the ‘documentary.’ As usual, I was a model employee from start to finish.

The notorious strip-search phone scam is the closest precedent that I’m aware of for what happened to me at work over the years. It seems especially applicable to Jimmy John’s since it often targeted fast-food restaurants.

KU Dining

See Lawrence’s Underground Porn Scandal.

Porn Ring Clients

Tiffany Cooper bragged about a mysterious, rich boyfriend when I met her in 2007. Distant, wealthy men with similar auras were mentioned by a few other exes over the years. Redacted talked about a man in the UK named Graham. Immediately before we met in January of 2010, he flew her to Amsterdam and sexually assaulted her. Around 2017, Emily Overland told me that a man with a BDSM fetish, whom I called Fifty Shades of Wannabe, was flying in from Canada to spend the weekend with her. These guys are likely porn ring clients who pay to participate. There are many others. Some of the clients may be somewhat famous.


Redacted begged me to move to Lawrence from the time we met in 2010 until I caved a year and a half later. I suspect that she already knew Reuben Hamilton well when she ‘found’ me the house I rent next door to him. I last saw her in 2015.

See Lawrence’s Underground Porn Scandal.

Reuben Hamilton

Reuben has been my neighbor since I moved to Lawrence in 2011. I suspect that he’s worked for the porn ring since I met him. Redacted, then my girlfriend, likely already knew Reuben when she ‘found’ me the house I rent next door to him.

Around 2018, Reuben near-fatally shot a neighbor’s cat and blamed me.

I liked and respected Reuben and especially his wife, Kathy, since I moved next door to them in 2011. Reuben is a piece of work, but has undeniable charisma. Kathy is a no-nonsense, hard-working mother. To my face, Reuben and Kathy have always been friendly. Until a few months ago, it had never crossed my mind that they were spreading rumors about me.

Jerynn Lindbloom

Jerynn was recruited by the porn ring around the time we met in 2016. We dated until 2019. Like many women over the years, her main job was to film porn behind my back, often at my house with my acquaintances.

At the end of 2018, I briefly caught on that something was wrong with all the time Jerynn spent ‘alone’ at my house. I warned her via text that, whatever it was, I would expose it. I’m quite certain that my warning was twisted into a threat that I would ‘expose’ private photos of Jerynn. It was not a misunderstanding—she knows I would never do that. The porn ring was angry that I was catching on; this smear was part of its nuclear response. (During happier times, Jerynn and I routinely shared such photos with friends via our Snapchat stories, a practice she initiated and enjoyed.)

I singled out Jerynn in late 2022 when I first understood that Checkers and Allen Press were being blackmailed but before I was even close to understanding the scope of what was happening. That was my sincere best understanding at the time. I now realize that Jerynn’s role was unexceptional.

See also the note about the suspicious death of Jerynn’s mom, Ann, during routine anesthesia in 2021.

Megan Dodge

In mid-2022, weeks before I got the attention of law enforcement, Megan Dodge was recruited to be my next porn-ring girlfriend, but I only went out with her once. I didn’t know Megan in high school, but her sister was in my grade and is friends with Heather Torpey. The night of our date, which was interrupted for an hour or two in the middle, Heather taunted me with a picture of a man on a date with a sex doll. Whatever they were up to, I’m sure it truly was humiliating, only not for me.

Mark and Heather Miller

Mark and Heather Miller (not to be confused with Mark and Cheryl Miller) owned the house I rent in Lawrence next door to Reuben Hamilton when I first moved here in 2011. They were well aware that the porn ring was going to trample all over their house and my life. For the next several years, they cynically profited from the arrangement—from out of town—while the porn ring went to work tearing Lawrence to shreds.

The kicker is that the Millers have undoubtedly spent the past 13 years taking credit for being heroes. If you took everything the porn ring thrives on—mainly vanity, cluelessness, and opportunism, but plenty of other things, too—and melted it together, you’d get these two.

Johnson County Freethinkers

When I moved to Johnson County, Kan. after college in 2009, I attended a handful of ‘Freethinker’ meetings at a Lenexa cafe. (I had identified as non-religious for a couple of years by then.) It turned out to be a bunch of bachelor uncles griping about religion with no particular skill or insight. In hindsight, by the last couple of meetings I attended, I’m certain that the mockumentary crew was in complete control. That crew, and the ultra-orthodox priests behind it, would have absolutely feasted on those poor guys.

Sandia National Laboratory

As a graduate student in the summers of 2007 and 2008, I interned at Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque. The targeting effortlessly followed me from K-State to Albuquerque (and Dallas), which says a lot about the porn ring and its capabilities.

Sandia’s precursor was established for the Manhattan Project, and the lab’s historical mission was nuclear weapons development. (My job was to dick around in a trailer outside the security perimeter.) You might assume that the engineers and managers at Sandia would be too smart to fall for the mockumentary. But in fact, Sandia is teeming with exactly the sort of pompous douche-nozzles that eat this scam up:

We need men of honor like yourselves to ‘investigate’ this pervert for our documentary. Yeah, that’s right, just like secret agents. For sure. It’s the Manhattan, Kansas Project. You’re gonna be legends, boys!

Actually, folks at Sandia were likely told that I was not only a pervert but also some sort of anti-American infidel who intended to steal secrets. That it was certifiably insane is what made it fun for the porn ring.

The ultra-orthodox priests behind the porn ring and mockumentary have no special regard for the U.S. government, the military, law enforcement, or any other American institution. Shannon Awerkamp regarded the national monuments as false idols. To the porn ring, scamming and humiliating Sandia was no different than scamming and humiliating the Jimmy John’s on 6th Street.

For two summers, I went down to Sandia and acted like a normal grad student. I’m about as far from an enemy of the United States as a person can possibly be. Everyone I came into contact with likely thought I was an infidel in their midst. (Sandians would have felt extra proud of keeping it secret from me.) Because of a mockumentary. The whole scenario was designed to be as dystopian and disgraceful as possible.

See also Drama in the LHC.

Albuquerque and Dallas

As mentioned, I spent the summers of 2007 and 2008 in Albuquerque, where I interned at Sandia National Laboratory. The targeting effortlessly followed me from K-State to Albuquerque and Dallas, where I visited Kat Lindholm one weekend each summer, which says a lot about the porn ring and its capabilities.

Laura Harrington

Laura and I dated that summer of 2008 in Albuquerque. (Coincidentally, she now lives in Kansas City.) Laura and her family were pitifully desperate to please the mockumentary producers and the porn ring, who’ve been laughing at them for 16 years. I can’t wait to see the footage.

Ten bucks says Laura appears in the mockumentary fantasizing that her interracial marriage hurts my feelings, à la Julie Pearce Valladares. I hate to throw cold water on that fantasy, but it has nothing to do with me. The porn ring created it as a joke—the joke being that it’s an overpowering fantasy for people like Laura and Julie. The porn ring seems to enjoy mocking interracial couples. (Likely a combination of racism and anti-globalization spite.) In contrast, while I have several opinions about Laura, I have none about her marriage. I bet her husband and I would have a blast talking shop about the Harringtons.


Just before I visited her in Dallas in the summer of 2008, Kat Lindholm was intercepted and smothered by a cartoonishly toxic little guy named Christian (I don’t know his last name). I had dated Kat a few years earlier. Although she had never once mentioned Christian, and although he was leaving Dallas in a matter of days, he acted as a bodyguard of sorts during my visit. In truth, he was protecting the porn ring, not Kat. His real job was to make sure that Kat didn’t tell me what was happening; we couldn’t be left alone together under any circumstances.

For Christian, playing pervert-catcher for a naive audience is an overpowering fantasy, much like it is for Kevan Meinershagen and Reuben Hamilton. In fact, I suspect that the porn ring recruited Christian from an online forum for amateur cop enthusiasts. As you’d expect from a fake porn ring cop, he shamelessly exploited the scam to manipulate and access women, including Kat herself.

The mockumentary undoubtedly tells a version of my visit that makes it seem embarrassing to me. To the contrary, I gave Kat a chance to tell Christian to leave us alone and, when she wouldn’t (really, she couldn’t), I bailed and spent the rest of my trip at a bookstore. After I left, we talked about it once and then I dropped it. I could not have handled it more graciously. Christian, on the other hand, was getting skewered by the producers for failing to recognize that his role was intentionally pathetic and disgraceful. He’s likely been controlled by the porn ring ever since.

Kansas State University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

I graduated in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, only months after I was first targeted. I was sitting next to Shannon Awerkamp in class when our professor, Dr. Don Gruenbacher, announced the graduate research position that I ended up filling. Don was promoted to department head in my first semester of grad school.

Ashley Walker

Ashley worked for Dr. Gruenbacher in my department’s office. We briefly dated in 2007. She likely scapegoats me in the mockumentary for a comment she made about Black students.

McKenzie Grace

McKenzie and I dated in 2008. She likely scapegoats me in the mockumentary for her homophobia, unfashionable politics, bad hygiene, and more.

Melanie Hall

Mel and I dated in 2008. See The White Hero Fantasy.

K-State United Methodist Campus Ministry

For all of 2004, I worked for the United Methodist Campus Ministry (UMCM) at Kansas State University. A couple of years later, when I was first targeted, dozens of my UMCM connections were scammed by the mockumentary. That any of them had more character than me, or more sophistication, was a blatant joke. They knew better. Their involvement was driven by vanity and opportunism. Incredibly, they’ve spent 18 years smirking about it. The full story will be a monumental embarrassment.

Rev. Mitch Todd was the campus minister; he and his wife, Rev. Jan Todd, are prominently featured in the mockumentary, and are particularly despised by its producers. Their role is to thoroughly disgrace and humiliate themselves and their Church on film, which is exactly what they’ve done. Mitch and Jan have been severely compromised by the porn ring and its Society of Saint Pius X puppet masters for 18 years while serving at churches around Kansas. For details, see Revs. Mitch and Jan Todd.

Ryan Lynch and Julie Pearce Valladares

Ryan and Julie were on the UMCM staff with me in 2004. Well before the mockumentary, they had a strangely virulent jealousy of me. They deeply resented how well-liked I was by women in our group, including some on staff with us. Ryan is now a pastor in Andover, Kansas.

It’s poetic that Ryan and Julie bet it all on a mean documentary about me that was actually a mockumentary about them. Since we first met, they’ve been trying to prove something, but I’m still not sure exactly what. Their vibe in college was toxic in-group mind games mixed with baby talk and VeggieTales quotes. Julie is forever the tragic, jealous frenemy from a Taylor Swift song. Ryan, to convey gravitas, would often throw on a bandana. (Think: Prison Mike, but you’re not supposed to laugh.) They are tools of the highest order. If not for the ‘documentary,’ nobody in my life would give them the time of day.

A defining trait of both Ryan and Julie is an ugly, passive-aggressive competitiveness that, for whatever reason, I seem to bring out in them. The primary fantasy offered to them (and plenty of others) by the mockumentary was to win for once. Even that doesn’t capture how pathetic it was. They honestly hoped I’d never find out—the fantasy depended on it. For 18 years, Ryan and Julie have been getting thoroughly outclassed by me at every turn, and I had no idea what was going on. They never even crossed my mind.

Julie’s absurd white hero syndrome

Julie has the most precious fantasy that people, especially me, have a problem with her marriage to a Hispanic man. It would be impossible to care less about something than I do about Julie’s marriage. Not coincidentally, the mockumentary producers involved Julie in several intentionally ridiculous attempts over the years to expose that I was bothered by interracial and interethnic couples. I was oblivious and good-natured as always. In the process, the couples were fetishized, mocked, and exploited for degrading porn.

The bizarre fantasy that Julie is my racially enlightened tormentor has nothing to do with me. The porn ring created that role for Julie in its mockumentary because she’s transparently the type of person who would sell her soul for it. In other words, it’s a joke. It’s intentionally disgraceful and pathetic. The producers can crank up the disgraceful and the pathetic to absurd levels, and Julie doesn’t flinch. The joke is that not even Julie can tell the difference between herself and a savage parody of herself—not even after giving it 18 years to sink in. Admittedly, it’s pretty funny.

Kat Lindholm

Kat and I met in 2004 and dated until she moved to Dallas in 2006. Kat admired and trusted me—she was heartbroken when she moved away—yet she too was scammed by the mockumentary.

Kat’s family is evangelical and extremely conservative. (I’ve never felt like more of a bad boy than when they found out I went to public school.) They’re also shamelessly anti-Catholic, which Shannon Awerkamp knew. The priests behind the porn ring would have taken special pleasure in scamming Kat.

See also the note about Kat’s creepy porn-ring bodyguard, Christian.

Blue Valley Northwest High School

I grew up in Overland Park and went to high school at Blue Valley Northwest (2002). I strongly suspect that most people who knew me in high school know about the mockumentary. Which means they’ve kept it secret from me and my family for practically its entire 18-year existence. All of them knew us as regular, honest, decent people. Many of them will be immortalized on film throwing away, for starters, my 20s and 30s and their own dignity, just to be in a movie that was blatantly a sick joke. The story will be famous, and it will ruin careers, and it will leave a hideous mark on our class.

The notes in this section are a tiny part of the story, most of which I still don’t know. See also Making Up the Grade, with Eric Punswick, Jeff Brown, Joseph Stanfill, Megan Dodge, and Matt Miller’s Suicide.


Both Heather Torpey and Megan Dodge talked a lot about high school reunions. (I guess it was supposed to bother me.) Something tells me that, once this all shakes out, our classes might be kinda done with reunions. Maybe the class of ’04 can return to the cherished Husky tradition of spending adulthood not viciously gaslighting one of their own for an intentionally revolting mockumentary. Come on, ’04—you guys got this!

The Boondock Ain’ts

Joseph Stanfill, Ryan Evans, Corey Farabi, Eric Mieske, Heather (Brantman) Torpey, Gretchen (Yencic) Moore, and many others from my class (2002) at BVNW. In high school, I was among the most honest and earnest of the bunch. There was zero precedent for any of the claims made in the mockumentary.

In general, these folks were aware that I was repeatedly drugged and assaulted on film as ‘justice’ porn. When I started asking around in 2022 whether they’d heard anything about me or the harassment, they not only lied but in some cases performatively gaslit me for yet more screen time. The full story of their cowardice will be truly hard to comprehend.

Eric is a sergeant with the Prairie Village, Kan. Police Department. Ouch. Ryan is a partner at a Kansas City–area law firm. Keep in mind that these guys have kept secrets and obstructed justice for a vicious organized crime ring for 18 years. See also Hazing and Snitching.

There was nothing strange about me or about us in high school. The ‘documentary’ blatantly, intentionally contradicts everything they knew about me. They ate it up because they got to appear in the movie showcasing their ridiculous ‘virtue’ and their cookie-cutter, nobody-gives-a-shit politics. Incredibly, for 18 years, they never caught on that it was a mockumentary. The film is about what clueless, arrogant assholes they are, and I expect it will be pretty famous. You can’t blow something more than they blew it. Everything was at stake, and all they had to do was act like regular people, and they blew it.

Heather (Brantman) Torpey

It was no secret that Heather had a crush on me throughout high school and that I never reciprocated. She was involved in the mockumentary and cruel porn from the beginning in 2006. In mid-2022, she initiated a Facebook chat that was, in hindsight, remarkably ugly—littered with taunts about, for example, the anniversary of a relative’s death, and the time as a pre-teen when I was the target of a (failed) sextortion attempt via AOL chat. (I’m guessing the mockumentary tells a perverse version of that story with roles reversed. See also Matt Miller’s Suicide.) The taunts were so cowardly, and were based on such twisted lies, that it never crossed my mind what Heather was doing until early 2024.